Infernus Geographic Location in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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The River Infernus cuts through a rugged and harsh landscape, its banks lined with obsidian cliffs and rivers of flowing magma that cascade down from Mount Imperium's peak. The air shimmers with heat, and the ground pulses with the fiery heartbeat of the underworld. This realm serves as a purifying crucible where souls are cleansed before their passage to the afterlife, guided by Revanna, goddess of the dead and funerals.

Revenna journeys along the River Infernus, her presence a comforting guide for souls as they navigate the fiery currents toward their final resting places. The realm resonates with her somber authority, a place where the boundaries between life and death blur in the purifying embrace of molten fire.

Infernus might be the only location that services The Endless Sea and the Nine Hells and The Abyss, also called the Lower Planes.

When a mortal perishes is is Revanna's task to take escort the soul of the deceased down the River Infernus and navigates the Endless Sea to the isle home of the god who's ideal that person's life most embodied. If found worthy to eternall dwell within that god's realm, Revanna returns to her home at Mount Imperium to be alongside her husband, Volturnus. If the soul is not found worthy, Revanna will take the soul through Infernus to the lower planes to spend an eternity of torment and torture.


The River Infernus is a fiery channel that flows relentlessly from the slopes of Mount Imperium, carrying molten magma through the planes. It is a river of liquid fire, its banks lined with obsidian and veins of glowing lava. The River Infernus connects the realms of Mount Imperium to distant corners of the multiverse, its currents surging with primal heat and power.

The landscape surrounding the River Infernus is rugged and volcanic, with jagged cliffs and valleys carved by centuries of flowing lava. Geysers of steam erupt from fissures in the ground, shrouding the area in a perpetual haze of heat and ash. The river itself twists and turns through the fiery landscape, its surface glowing with an unearthly radiance.


The climate along the River Infernus is searingly hot, with temperatures that scorch the air and parch the land. Ash and cinders swirl in the fiery winds that sweep across the volcanic terrain, adding to the infernal atmosphere of the region.

Fauna & Flora

Despite the harsh conditions, unique flora thrives in the volcanic soil nourished by the River Infernus. Fire-resistant plants with metallic leaves shimmer in the glow of the magma. Blood-red flowers bloom sporadically along the riverbanks, their petals resilient against the intense heat.

Like any other divine realm, Infernus is host to several fell beasts:

  • Fire Elementals: Beings of living flame that dance and flicker along the banks of the River Infernus. They embody the primal forces of fire and heat, their forms shifting and swirling with the currents of molten lava.
  • Magma Drakes: Serpentine creatures with scales that gleam like polished obsidian. They slither through the lava flows, their fiery breath melting stone and metal alike.
  • Obsidian Golems: Constructs formed from the volcanic rock and lava near the River Infernus. They stand as silent sentinels, their bodies fused with the essence of the fiery river.
  • Hellhounds: Fiery canines with glowing eyes and fur that flickers like flames. They prowl the riverbanks, hunting for intruders who dare to venture too close to the River Infernus.

Alternative Name(s)
The River Infernus, The River of Fire
Dimensional plane
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing


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