Half-Elves Species in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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Half-elves are usually a solid mix of their two parents. They gain the elves’ grace but none of their elegant frailty. Most half-elves are well-adjusted, but some are shunned by one side of the family or the other and often times grow resentful. Others may even be mistreated. Their lifespans while often double of their human parent but still not as long loved as their elf kin. Half-elves if raised in elven communities are often treated as inferior by the haughty, aloof elves. Humans will treat a half-elf with curiousty and sometimes dislike, for the elves and the humans have not the best of relations over the centuries.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Half-elves have to ability to reproduce as often as their human cousins. Interesting enough, if a hallf-elf being were to mate with a human, their offspring would be human, not half-elven nor elven. If a half-elf being were to reproduce with an elf, their offspring would be elven.

Growth Rate & Stages

A hlf-elf's life cycle is closer to a human's rather than an elf's. A half-elf's body reaches full maturity or adulthood around 30 years of age. Puberty or adolescence typically begins at 18 years of age.  Middle age begins for a half-elf typically at 60 years old, old age at 90, and venerable at 120 years of age.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

The half-elf's facial chracteristics are a combination of the rounded delicate elven features, and some of the hardened, angular cheeks and chins of that of a human. Their eyes are more almond shaped like an elf's and slightly bigger than a human's eyes.  All half-elf also possesses ears that come to a pointed end. These ears do not as big, or protrude as high ot outward from the skull, like an elf's. While maybe considered strange, these pointed ears can be hidden under long enough hair. Also a male half-elf is capable of growing facial hair, unlike a male elf.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All half-elves have been recorded inheriting the enhanced senses of their elven parentage including the elves' ability to see in dim light and near total darkness.
When creating your half-elf adventurer use the racial rules for half-elf found in the Player's Handbook.
by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing
Genetic Ancestor(s)
120 years
Average Height
5 feet to 6 feet
Average Physique
The physique of a typical male and female half-elf is a bit more lithe, and thin when compared to a human of the same sex, but not as frail or delicate as an elf's.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Half-elf skin is usually paler than a human's. Their hair and eye color are more typical of a human's, rather than their elven kin. Hair colors such as blonde, brown, black, and even reddish-orange are seen on most half-elves. Their eye colors are certainly less alien, with blue, green, brown, and even black are the most commonly encountered.

Cover image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents:


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