Elves Species in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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Like the Dwarves , the elves have split off into two types of folk: the High Elf  and the Wood Elf. Unlike the dwarves however, the two different sub-races of elf live together in the same kingdom-the mighty Greatwood Forest. Both types of elf will speak Trade and Elvish. The Elves are largely self-sufficient, and trade little with outsiders. The only group they trade in any quantity with are the Dwarves of the Drakor Mountains (from whom they receive what little metal ore they need for their weapons and jewelry). The Elves are familiar with the concept of money, but employ no currency within their borders.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Elves do not have a high reproduction rate due to their long life-spans. The Wood Elves tend to produce one to two offspring per family unit. High Elves reproduce much slower and less. A typical High Elven house will have one child born, and some might not even reproduce at all.

Ecology and Habitats

The Elves live in complete harmony with the forest, cutting wood only from dead or dying trees, and cultivating small gardens beneath the boughs.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Elves have long faces with soft features. They possess large almond shaped eyes that range in color from blue, purple, green, and grey. The most noticable features of an elf are their elongated ears. Their ears are typically six to eight inches in length and extend at typically a 45 degree angle from each side of their head. The ears end in sharp points. Male elves do not seem to possess the ability to grow facial hair.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Elves are found in their greates concentration in tje Greatwood Forest. High Elves, in particular, are found in the mystical city of Moondeep, the capital of the elves, which is found deep within the Greatwood's borders.

Average Intelligence

While elves dislike mechanincal things such as crossbows, winches, mills, and the like, they are actually extremely smart. They have a much higher understanding of the mystical forces that permate their land and the workings of the cosmos. Even the more simple wood elves seem more in touch with the cycle of nature and how best to coexist with it.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Elves have very keen senses, including Low-Light vision, which is the ability to see in dim and dark lighting.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Wardens Of The Druidwash , @Council of Eldritch Sorcery

Average Technological Level

Almost all elves disadain anything mechanical such as crossbows, windmills, bellows, clocks, etc. They prefer to lve in harmony with nature, and use magic to shape it to fit their needs. They wil trade with the dwarves for metal, gems, and objects and weapons forged from metal.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Elves speak Elvish, their native language and Trade (Imperial)- the language shared by all races in the SIlver Shores.

Common Myths and Legends

The Elves are descended from the Fae, the race the popluates Arborea , the divine realm of Silvanus and Serrenna . Silvanus bade a large community of mischievous Fae to live on the world after the Great Forests had risen, to be the wardens of the nature he created there. Doing so meant the fae sacrificed their immortality, and much of their magical gifts, but gained free will, the ability to learn, feel, and grow.    Since, the elves have retreated to the Greatwood Forest . Serving as their last bastion against the expansion of the Humans .
Use the Elf Race in the Player's Handbook for creating your elf adventurer. Don't forget to select if your character is wood elf or high elf.
by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing
Genetic Descendants
700 years
Average Height
5 and a half to 6 feet tall
Average Weight
80-160 lbs.
Average Physique
Elves possess lithe and wiry build. They are slight of nature which gives them an unnatural grace and agility.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Elven skin is usally pale, or lighter than the ruddy color of the other species. Their long, fine hair colors vary. But typical colors include silver, black, blonde, scarlet, purple, and amber.
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Elves


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