Tempus Character in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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Tempus (temp-us)

Storm Lord, The Thunderer, The Invincible

Tempus, deity of strength, storms, and bravery appears as a hugely muscular man with long red hair and beard, wearing blue and gold plate gauntlets, blue boots, and fighting girdle of gold. A hedonistic being, he is known for tackling physical challenges of all sorts just for the fun of it. He is also reputed to have dallied with beautiful humans, elves, or even giants, and tales are told of the great heroes that are born of such liaisons. He fights with his powerful warhammer, Stormbreaker, and when wounded he often enters an intense blood rage.   Tempus resides on the isle of Ysgard in the DIvine Isles, where he has a grand and mighty meadhall filled with handmaidens. He is at war constantly with his half-brother, Tyrannus, and battles with him to keep the tyrant's bloodthirst from spilling onto Tempus's worshippers lands.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Tempus has bronze holy symbols that are a fist clutching a lightning bolt

Tenets of Faith

Tempus’s clerics are expected to be leaders. They value strength but not domination. They train people to become stronger, organize athletic tournaments, and participate in challenging physical activities. Doubting their fitness is a grave insult, and they go to great lengths to prove their physical abilities (although they realize the difference between difficult and suicidal challenges). Tempus's clerics will attack the priests of Tyrannus  if encountered. The clergy wear indigo/blue vestments, and Tempus’s temples tend to be spacious and airy. They always include at least one gymnasium and usually extensive baths. They invariably have adjoining fields for athletic competitions.   Everyone should scorn cowardice, and on the battlefield all men are equal says Tempus.   To enter Tempus's meadhall in Ysgard, one must have died valiantly in battle. If not, the soul of the deceased wanders the Astral Plane for eternity


Storm’s Embrace: A festival celebrating the power of storms and resilience in the face of adversity. Activities include strength competitions, storm-themed performances, and prayers to Tempus for protection and fortitude. This festival takes place in the month dedicated to Tempus, Tempestfall.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Tempus loves physical challenges and contests, and he promotes nonlethal sports as a method for resolving disputes among his followers. His teachings say that the strong and fit should lead and protect the weaker, and that bravery is the greatest quality anyone can have, ruler and citizen alike.
Divine Classification
Minor Deity
Chaotic Good
Long red hair and beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
600 lbs
Aligned Organization
Related Myths
Ruled Locations
Weather (storms), Strength, Bravery
Chaotic Good

Cover image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing
Character Portrait image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing


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