Tyrannus Character in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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Tyrannus (Ty-ran-us)

Herald of Hell, Scourge of battle

Tyrannus appears as a well-built, chiseled man adorned in black plate-mail armor and a giant half helm. The stony features of his face would be considered handsome by many, except his blood-red eyes and a mouth that features prominent fangs makes his appearance even more intimidating. He carries an ornate ebony bastard sword that often drips with blood.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

A black iron circle pendant with eight arrows protruding from the circle, like spokes in a deadly wheel.

Tenets of Faith

In the kingdom of Vaszkysa, Tyrannus’s sect is not as secretive as other dark religions. Temples of Tyrannus operate openly in many cities, and clerics wear black clothing adorned with red skulls or red faces. Tyrannus’s clerics constantly plan or lead attacks on rebels and do-gooders. They revile good-hearted rulers and governments that nurture personal freedoms, and they are forever scheming to weaken or overthrow regimes that seem likely targets for conquest. When not actually fighting or plotting, they train themselves in the arts of war. Many serve as generals, military advisers, or enforcers to aggressive rulers or iron-fisted tyrants.   Tyrannus’s clerics also oppose clerics of Tempus  wherever and whenever they can. Temples to Tyrannus are always forbidding fortresses, built to impress the common folk with Tyrannus’s power. Many of his temples are constructed on sites that have seen many great battles because of their strategic value.


Warrior’s Honor: A day to honor soldiers and heroes, with martial tournaments, reenactments of historic battles, and ceremonies for those who have fallen in combat. Tyrannus is celebrated with displays of valor and strength. This day of honor, appreciation, and remeberence falls on the month of Battlestorm.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Tyrannus is the god of war, tyranny and strife, and opposes all that is good and compassionate in this world. Tyrannus is the patron deity of the emperor of Vaszkysa. His half-brother and arch-enemy is Tempus. Tyrannus seeks to conquer or destroy any that oppose him. He tells his followers that the world is a dark and bloody place where the strong rule the weak, and power is the only reward worth anything. The cruel and unrelenting pursuit of one’s goals is the only reliable path to success. Order must be forged out of chaos and law out of anarchy. Tyranny brings order out of chaos. Dissenters must be oppressed or destroyed lest anarchy reign.
Divine Classification
Minor Deity
Lawful Evil
Aligned Organization
Related Myths
Ruled Locations
War, Strife, Tyranny
Lawful Evil

Cover image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing
Character Portrait image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing


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