Ysgard Geographic Location in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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Ysgard is a realm of eternal battle, where skies thunder with storms and mountains rise like giants. Great mead halls and fortresses dot the landscape, echoing with the sounds of clashing weapons and roaring combat. Tempus, god of storms and strngth, presides over Ysgard, where valor, martial prowess, and the thrill of battle are celebrated. It is a place where warriors test their mettle for all eternity.

When a being dies in battle, if they were ruthless, bloodthirsty, and merciless their soul is transported to Acheronto be judged by Tyrannus. The devotees of Tempus, and the stongest and most heroic warriors slain are gathered by these celestial women. These souls seem to cirumvent the process of being guided by Revanna to Infernus and into the afterlife.

But If the person was brave, valorous, and honorable, there soul was taken by the Valkyrie to Ysgard so they could stand before Tempus. Any person that followed Tempus as their patron deity that followed the edicts of the Thunderer were allowed to revel in eternal battle against frost giants and celebrate victory in meadhalls. Any follower of Tempus that did not die in battle, their soul would be judged on the other aspects of their life by another diety accordingly, and sent to the appropriate upper or lower plane.


Ysgard's landscape is characterized by towering mountains, deep fjords, and expansive plains swept by fierce winds. Storm clouds gather ominously in the sky, casting dramatic shadows over the battlefield-strewn terrain. Great mead halls and fortresses dot the landscape, built from stone and timber where warriors gather to feast and celebrate. The Hall of Heroes, a massive structure built into the side of a mountain, serves as the gathering place for the greatest of warriors. The River of Valor, a roaring river that flows through the heart of Ysgard, is said to grant strength and courage to those who drink from it.

Localized Phenomena

The soundscape of Ysgard is dominated by the roar of thunder, the clash of weapons, and the cries of battle. War chants and heroic ballads echo through the valleys and mountain passes, inspiring warriors to acts of bravery and valor.


The climate of Ysgard is harsh and dramatic. Thunderstorms are frequent, with lightning illuminating the sky and torrential rains soaking the ground. The air is filled with the scent of earth and rain, and the sound of distant thunder is a constant backdrop.

Fauna & Flora

Despite the harsh conditions, hardy plants and resilient flora thrive in Ysgard. Windswept grasses and tough shrubs cling to rocky cliffs and hillsides. Alpine flowers bloom in vibrant colors, their petals resilient against the elements.

The inhabitants of Ysgard are as harsh and unforgiving as its' land:

  • Frost Giants: Towering giants with blue-tinged skin and massive weapons, they roam the icy peaks and valleys of Ysgard. They are formidable warriors who revel in battle and honor strength above all else. Ysgard seems to be the only divine plane that has a rival force dwelling within it. Nevertheless, these frost giants seek to destroy and devour the spirits of the slain warriors in Ysgard.
  • Thunderbirds: Giant birds with wingspans that darken the sky. They ride the currents of storm winds, their feathers crackling with static electricity.
  • Winter Wolves: Wolves with fur that blends with the snow and ice. They hunt in packs across the frozen tundra, their howls carrying across the windswept plains.
  • Ice (White) Dragons: Serpentine dragons with scales that glitter like ice. They soar through the storm-laden skies, their breath freezing everything in its path.
  • Valkyries: Warrior maidens who ride winged steeds into battle. They are fierce and noble, tasked with selecting the bravest souls to join the eternal battles of Ysgard.
Alternative Name(s)
Asgard, Valhalla
Dimensional plane
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing


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