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Muhatan Desert

hole in the clouds perpetually, so the sun can scorch the earth.  


  • ironwood (groves)
  • Cacti (fruiting. they attrack Irrigamel and other vegie/omnivores) ("sawaril" cactus)
  • Dates
  • farmed wheat/barley.
  • beans/lentils in the Zaan
  • onions and garlic farmed
  • chickpeas
  • Peri Fruit
  • Fauna / monsters

  • Naimazor (ostrichy, fast running mounts. give them some slight velociraptor feel) "Naimasor")
  • Irrigamel unicorn camels for long-distance desert navigation. (anteater mouths for accessing water undergrund). look like Eopie
  • Earthtoad burrow through the ground leaving huge tunnels. They sometimes lie in wait at the bottom of a dune, sleeping, with their mouths open (20 feet across) and swallow/trap food that steps in.
  • Fulgur Serpent (melt sand to glass in their wake, forming fulgurite paths. 4 or 5 feet in diameter at the largest. Can descend along those paths *dangerously* )
  • Lurkhowler. hyena-hare. pounce eat. laugh. creepy. laughing (alt Carrion Howler)
  • Windviper are a venomous snake that tumbles over the surface. toxin mutes ancestors. (Corkscrew Viper. Screwviper)
  • Hydrascorpion. 3-tailed scorpions that can grow more tails if they lose one for some reason. They're huge, and a delicasy like lobsters.
  • Sandlion AKA Dune Lion. (big cats, cross between a cheetah and a lion. Maybe they're telepathic sphynxes. Can sense creatures by their mind.
  • Gazellope (antellope/gazelle)
  • Geodillo (armadillo with a rocky outside).
  • Spinerodent (various species of varying size that have quills/spines for defense)
  • Sun Monitor (lizards)
  • Flynx Cat - winged cat the size of a bobcat.
  • Falconry.
  • Archer kestrel - they drop stones and other rocks to kill or stun prey. (show where someone fires arrows, the kestrel catches it, and drops it to hunt prey)
  • Diving Kestrel (dive like peregrines)
  • Mimic (often cacti. sometimes big rocks)
  • Sindr - monster
  • Arcano-environmental phenomena

  • electrical sandstorms.
  • sandstorms
  • floods/temporary Zaan-drying.
  • ? Quicksand (but like, sentient. lie in wait like sandspiders. like a sarlac).
  • Zaan

  • Riverdrake AKA "Gators"
  • Zaanhorse (Bite strength of a hippo. Cross between a horse and a rhino)
  • Siltfish catfish. Foodsource
  • Bitefish Pirahna
  • Barbshell Turtles with scorpion stingers. venom stuns/paralyses
  • Spit Cobra
  • Green Mamba
  • Nadahan river nymphs. monsters. they cause the drying of the nile, drawing people to stoop down to reach the water. then they get pulled in and drowned in shallow water.

    ("Mina" is port )A tower used for trading with the dwarves. also high enough to scout out sandstorms. Purposely kept far away from Almira (elves distrust dwarven companies and haven't historically gotten along well. There was a war several hundreds years ago - right after the conjunction, when the dwarves were living alongside the elves and orcs). ships can't dock in almira and the winds keep you from docking without a huge tower.  
    a City of the Dead. abandoned 150 years ago, after the Zaan dried up (a process that began happening about 400 years ago, but 150 ya is when people just couldn't survive there anymore). some time later, the Sindr moved in and now those bodies are being used. the Sindr can access muscle memories of the body so they mill around like molten stone zombies. people that left coldn't tranport their belongings across the whole-ass desert (especially once the river was ogne) so treasures are still there for the taking.  
    Ironwood Groves
    (smaller ones scattered around, but one huge one, distant ot the east. Traded to Orcs + dwarves. (ooh, maybe sporca and nuremborg aren't both carpentry. one is wood and the other is chiefly stone/marble (sporca)).  
    Ruins in the farrr north. doesn't need frequent travel, but it's a location on the Race.
  • city that was lost to underdark stuff. belief is that they delved too deep (taboo that they were trying to avoid the sun and became dark elves) and that the earth swallowed them, sinking the city. Mabe they actually fled to the underdark. no one knows. but there ARE open paths to the underdark here. maybe that's how the sandworms found this desert - and maybe the sandworms destroyed the city. During the Race, someone has to set up a big beacon to represent the city as it no longer truly exists. And any structure they set up there is swallowed by the sands by the following year. perilous. maybe during one race the new one gets swallowed?


    Adventures out in the Desert

    (look for inspiration in Darksun, Al-qadim, Arabian Nights tropes)
  • Hunting of game (limited distance).
  • maybe hunting of elusive or exciting prey. valuable harvests? (sandworms, glassdrakes, etc)
  • Trade with dwarf tower.
  • Explorations of lost cities
  • travel to ironwood groves for trade.
  • expeditions out to rumored sightings of structure from above. people thinking maybe they'll find Atlantis.
  • attempts at restoring the land - most effective when rites/magic are performed underground

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