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Session 04 : The Kobolds Mine Part 2 Report

General Summary

We return to our adventures in the height of the battle between them and two Kobold Dragon Sheilds. When the powerful roar of what must be the dragon shaking the mine. Harstork is bleeding out heavily and getting weaker by the second.   The party mustered their strength and push on in battle. Howl cast Colour Spray and blinded the kobold that wounded Harstork. Rollen quickly beat the Kobold he was fighting back down to the floor as it tried to get up and quickly reached out and healed up Harstork. Harstork now feeling a new burst of power pulled up his sword and struck the blinded Kobold across the back slashing deep and forcing the Kobold to the floor crawling. Luthar seeing the weakened Kolold plunged his sword down towards it, but did not account for how quickly a Kobold can crawl and only caught the side of the beast and sliced the side of it. Rollen dodged the attack of the Kobold as it jumped up from the floor towards him in anger at his wounded kobold brother. Luthar seeing this moved over to attack the other Kobold. Howl moved into the close range of the Blinded Kobold crawling on the floor and plunged his dagger into the back of hits kneck and twisted the blade as the Kobold collapsed onto the floor. Harstork swings his sword around towards the remaining kobold as it blocks with his shield. Which was lucky as the blow good of also struck Rollen in the process.   The other Kobold seeing the other die lashes out at Rollen but Luthar steps forward and swings but the Kobold brings up its shield in time to block but left its other side open for Rollen to swing in with this club crashing into the side the Kobolds head causing to bash into its own shield and slipt open the scaled skin on the other side. Thazar moves his Hex upon the remaining Kobold and casts Toll the dead causing great pain to the beast. After more blocking and slashing it was a final Toll the dead that brought down the bits into a necrotic steaming pile.   Thazar scounted ahead on the southern passage as Howl headed North. Thazar stealthy moved along the wooden bridge and with the small light, he had who could make out the shadow and figure of a very large Kobold with wings. Moving back towards to party he took out the two small bags of blasting powder and wedged them between the bridge blanks leading towards the room they are in.   Howl headed North and looking around the corner with care he could see a wooden lift coming up from the side of a deep opening in the floor. He quickly moved behind the wall again before the Kobold in the lift could see him. Heading back he informed them of what he could see up ahead.   Discussing the options the group had decided to try and avoid the Larger Kobold if possible and sneak around but before they could discuss any plans further, Harstork storms out onto the bridge taunting the larger Kobold. As the large figure moves into the light it was clear this was some kind of Kobold Champion with its heavy plate armour and large frame and huge greatsword, its wings shredded and tattered from years of hard battle. It swings and slashed through Harstorks armour and wounds it badly and forces him to crawl back over the bridge towards his companions. As he does so the Kobold Champion walks slowly across the bridge following. The party-ready themselves. As the Champion reaches the area of the bridge where Thazar had placed the plastic powder he launches a fire bolt towards them. The Blasting powder explodes breaking the bridge supports and the Kobold Champion tries to flap its shredded wings and hovers for a moment before plummeting down into a large sulfur pool several miles below.   As the group stood and shock at the trap working. Luthar walked over to the dying Harstork and pulled down the powers of holy energy and laid hands upon Harstork and healed his wounds. Rollen started to search through the boxes in the room they are in and found a bundle of 10x 10" fuses. Thazar was quick to grab these in the frustration of not having them earlier. As the party regrouped and started to head north. they spotted through the opening in the walls the Kobold from the Lift was walking south. The group took the opportunity to sneak past. They followed the path north slowly with Rollen leading the way checking down the darkened corridors of the mine with his Darkvision. As he looked round the final corner he could see the wall at the end had been blown out and green glowing light pulsed through the opening. The group moved in closer and Luthar moved to take a look through the opening. Howl had cast light upon Luthars sword to light his way and as he got closer there was a large roar and a burst of flame shot through the opening. Luthar quickly used all his strength to leap out of the way crashing into Rollen shoving them both down the passageway leading east.   Howl quickly picked up a piece of fallen rock and cast light upon it and cast Mage Hand to carry the rock through the gap. As the rock passed into the gap a large burst of flame and another ground shacking roar occurred. But the rock and Hand were unaffected and travelled into the room. The shadows of large wings flapping cast upon the wall and through the gap as the rock illuminated the room. Howl controlled the mage hand to throw the rock at the figure casting the shadow. And the sound it made was not what they were expecting. The sound of a rock hitting cloth and snapping wood. The roar that came next was more shallow and hollow. Howl sent into another rock but this time it missed and struck the wall of the room. But no flames came out when it entered. Luthar then lent through the gap and what stood before him to this very day he cannot believe. Before I'm struggling to stain upright was the Kobold Sorcer with a wooden skeleton wing structure with Canvas fabric as skin and ropes and pullies and a large speaking horn attached. He entered the room as he could see the Kobold was struggling to move his hands and arms to cast spells. The rest of the party charged in and engaged the sorcerer in battle And did not take to much work to bring the Kobold crashing down. Howl cast a firebolt and although and is struck the Kobold in the chest. The second one missed but ignited the fake wing structure. Harstork and Luthar Slaced at its legs on the pillar as Thazar cast his Hexes and Tolled the dead. Rollen swung his club swiping the leg sending the kobold background and crashing into a burning heap on the floor as it died from the flams and wounds.   Luthar quickly started to try and put out the fire with Rollen. Howl and Thazar studied the glowing rune markings on the floor. And Harstork started to feel the walls but could not find any secret openings. Thazar and Howl noticed that there are only three of the four runes glowing and following the battery they could see they all pointed and lead to the centre pillar in the room. As they studied it they noticed it was slightly out of line and between then shifted the upper platform of the pillar as it sitted correctly and the rune started to glow. The pillar began to lower as Luthar was able to put the last of the fire out and start bundling up the remains of the win structure and Kobold as evidence of there victory.   The pillar lowered into the flow slightly and the centre of the top opened and dropped away. The part looked in and inside the centre of the pillar was a large Egg. Rollen looked closer and reached in and cleared some of the dust on the egg and it shimmered in the light. Pulling the egg out it was clear this Egg was golden in colour and Rollen new from his studied of the animal as a Druid that this was the Egg of a Golden Dragon. He wrapped the egg carefully in a cloth and place it in its own satchel. The party decided very quickly they would not mention the egg to the Dwarves.   They made there way out of the room and back to the western passageways. As they did they noticed the Kobold wondering back up towards the lift and watched as it climbed in. As it turned around it spotted them and lunged out as if to try and grab them and in doing to the rope snapped and the Kobold plunged down deep into the lower depths of the mountain. The mine fell silent for the first time but this was broken but the sound of movement and the flapping of wings and air shooting up form deep from the mountain. And just as quickly fell back to silence. The party took this as there sign to leave and with haste.   They ran quickly through the mine and up the steep entranceway and out into the clean air of the mountainside. They made the decision then that Rollen would take the egg and hide on the outer edges of town in the woods. The party separated there ways and made there way back down.   Soon the rest of the party arrived back into Moddifell. They headed straight for the Town Hall as the sun started to set and the guards recognised them from earlier and let them pass. They entered the main greeting room and standing by the fire was Mayor Duli Graybelt Smoking a pipe as before. He greets them and mentioned they have lost one green companion and gained a non-green one in return. The party quickly explained the situation and begin to inform Duli of what occurred in the mines but of course not mentioning the egg. Dule was impressed by the crafty nature of the Kobolds and their contraption. He congratulated them on a job well down and tapped his pipe on the fireplace and two guards enter carry items wrapped in cloth and place them on the large table in the room. Duli wanders over to a cupboard on the wall and removed a large bag of coins and tosses it won't the table. He unwraps the bundled items revealing some of the finest of weapons dwarves have made.   For Harstork we give to you: 679953




Heavy, Two-Handed

This massive sword is just as heavy as it looks. The 6ft long blade is as tall as most men and can be used to cleave them in two. The blade has a blackened hue from the constant beating of new metal layers into it during the forging process. Due to the amount of layers, the blade is incredibly dense. The sharpness, combined with the density, is the reason dwarves who wielded these blades were feared by heavily armoured opponents.

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. In addition, you gain advantage on attack rolls against targets wearing heavy armour or carrying shields

Type Damage Damage Range
None 2d6+1 None

Weight: 10

  For Luthar we give to you: 679951

Giant's End


Very Rare


There was a time when the giants encroached upon the dwarves strip mining lands. This would not be tolerated. The dwarves forged weapons with giant's blood to slay the giants. Legend says that a weapon forged with the blood of a particular creature will be forever drawn to that particular creature and thirst for more of what it is made of. 

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls against all creatures and +3 to attack and damage rolls against giants. This sword's weight will noticeably increase by 3lbs when giants are in 3-mile range, warning the wielder of the giant's presence.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Melee 1d8+1 / 1d8+3 (Attackig Giants) Slashing

Weight: 3

  For Thazar and Howl we give to you: 679913

Dark Assassin



Very Rare A simple dagger with a far more sinister purpose then it gives. The dagger is almost indistinguishable from other dwarven daggers except for the thin black chain that circles the hilt. This dagger was used by assassins who didn't believe they should kill with flair. They believed that killing someone in the dark is shameful, and one should not take pleasure from it.

This dagger has 3 charges of invisibility, and it regains 1d4 expended charges daily. If you expand the daggers last charge roll a d20. On a roll 10 or less the dagger turns into a normal dagger. On a 1 the creature wielding the dagger turns invisible for 1d4 months and the dagger is destroyed.

Type Damage Damage Range
Simple Melee 1d4 Piercing 20/60

Weight: 1

  And for you Woodelf friend something that was gifted to us that we have no use for: 679955


Armor (Light)

Very Rare Requires Attunement

Where most races trembled in fear of the Oni the Wood Elves saw them as the perfect prey for the hunt. What better enemy to test a hunter's skill than a creature that can change its shape and size on a whim. Instead of relying on sight the Wood Elf hunters and rangers had to trust their other senses and intuition to take down these evil beasts. In order to show the world their expertise of the hunt, a Wood Elf who took down an Oni would skin it, sometimes alive. They would then form the hide into exquisite dark green leather armor. The armor also carried the innate magical ability of the Oni that it came from giving the wearer an unnatural stealthiness. Now when a creature stalked a village at night the chieftains knew exactly who to go to. They went to those who wore their enemies as a literal badge of honor.

You have a +2 bonus to AC while wearing this armor. In addition the armor seems to change its shade in order to match its surroundings giving the wearer advantage on all stealth rolls.

Type AC STR Req. Stealth Dis.
Light 11 No

Weight: 10

    Collecting the rewards up the group bid the Mayor good evening and head out of town and meet up with Rollen who was hiding in the trees. He jumps down begin carefully of the Egg. The party hand over the reward given to them by Duli for him.   Feeling tired and weak from the long battle and day the group once again set off into the setting sun heading for the Felbreze Border. Knowing they will need to find someone knowledgable in Golden Dragons.

Missions/Quests Completed

Clearing the Moddifell Mines of Kobolds.

Character(s) interacted with

Tales From Around The Fire
Luthar The Just
Neutral Good Human ()
Paladin 1
12 / 12 HP
Harstork Dewgaze
Neutral Human (Noble)
Fighter 2
20 / 20 HP
Howl Pendragon
Neutral Good Human ()
Wizard 2
18 / 18 HP
Rolen Galanodel
Lawful Good Wood Elf (Haunted One)
19 / 19 HP
Thazarr De'jassan
Lawful Neutral Human (Acolyte)
Warlock 2
17 / 17 HP
Player Journals
The thread runs long by Thazarr De'jassan
Report Date
10 Mar 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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