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Thu 11th Mar 2021 08:20

The thread runs long

by Thazarr De'jassan

Despite his distance in recent weeks my master, The Chained One, watches over this humble vassal, threading the path before my very feet. By his guidance I have attained greater heights of power. My abilities continue to grow and I feel stronger with every passing day.
We left the mines behind us, the Kobold vermin within vanquished, their leader - a Sorcerer, commanding a most peculiar winged simulacrum, lies defeated by the blade of our paladin. It seems that even the holy orders power can reach the deeper places of the earth, a rather suitable complement to my own powers, (The Ying to my Yang if you will). Between the wizard and I, we discovered the sorcerer's chamber was home to a golden secret, an egg of some creature, presumably draconic given the kobolds own lineage. What becomes of this treasure remains to be seen.
Upon our return The Mayor of Moddifel gifted us our financial reward, and some powerful dwarven artifacts, I myself was given a most unusual dagger with a blackened blade, the weapon of an assassin... What could this mean...