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Bleofeldas (lit. 'color fields') are a grassland in the central eastern part of Kingdom of Ælnea. The Color Fields are so named because the region is abundant with dozens of species of blossoming flowers that have medicinal applications, which has resulted in the plains becoming home to the largest population of botanists and alchemists in Ælnea.   Bleofeldas encompasses the land between the Ar Hyllas and Wulf Maw to the east and west, and between the Hraburne River and Smoþhrof Mountains to the north and south. It includes Deop Lake and part of the Sniþan River in the northwest, and the Blostma River in the south.     The largest settlement in Bleofeldas is the city of Florisclana, which serves are the capital of the Eorldom Blostma of the Ælnean Kingdom, located at the mouth of the Blostma River. Second is the monastery town of Webbealh, the largest temple complex dedicated to the goddess of life Heorteblostma in Ælnea and the second largest sacred site to Heorteblostma on the Brymtuscan continent. The town of Hyllgeat marks the southwestern edge of Bleofeldas.
Alternative Name(s)
Colorful Fields
Owning Organization


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