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Janfire Mistmore

Knight Commander Janfire Mistmore

Janfire Mistmore was the leader of the Order of the Companion and one of the leaders of the cult of Zariel during the years leading up to the Damnation of Elturel in 1497. He was also the father of Xifira Mistmore, one of the Lost Star Detectives, who he killed before dying himself in the Siege of Helm's Shieldhall.  


Born in 1378 in Baldur's Gate, Janfire's family was poor and often turned to crime to put food on the table. Disappointed in their current standard of living, Janfire moved to Elturel and joined the legendary Hellriders as a way to move up in the world, permenately straining his relationship with his brother Richlan.   While in Elturel, Janfire met and eventually married Xanleigh Mistmore, the youngest daughter of the famed Mistmore family of Elturel. While some issue was raised at first due to Janfire's lowborn heritage, Janfire's friendly demeanor and devotion to Xanleigh won everyone over. The two would go on to inherit the bulk of the Mistmore fortune, moving into the Mistmore Manor near Elturel's High Hall. They would also have 5 children throughout the 15th century: Xodal in 1409, the twins Xoric and Xanric in 1421, Xanhorn in 1440, Xopher in 1467, and the second pair of twins Xanzor and Xifira in 1478, the last of whom being their only daughter.   As a Hellrider, Janfire fought in the Reign of Vampires. The brutality of the fighting, including the near death of Xoric, was the final push for him to give up fighting, and he left the Hellriders after the vampires were killed or expelled by the appearance of the Companion. However, Janfire grew restless and was contacted by an old friend of his Cathasach Restat, who was forming the Order of the Companion in thanks to the artificial star that had formed the city. Janfire was recruited to help lead the newly founded order.   After Cathasach become High Observer of Elturel in 1449, Janfire continued serving in the Order of the Companion under its new head, Thamal Thent, and was instrumental in shaping the order as the preeminent military force of Elturel and Elturgard, above the Hellriders that traditionally held that place. His son Xanric would later join the order, following in his dad's footsteps.   During his tenure in the order, Janfire was approached by the cult of Zariel, who were the real agents responsible for the Companion's appearance. Initially wary of them, Janfire was ultimately persuaded to join the cult as a vehicle to keep and preserve his family even through death, though decades of indoctrination eventually turned Janfire more and more radical. Despite this, Janfire kept his cult allegiance a secret from his family, knowing that his swearing on the Creed Resolute would force all of his children to become reborn as devils alongside him.   Janfire's cult connections paid off in 1481, when Thamal Thent died under publically mysterious circumstances but was actual killed to ensure that the leader of the cult of Zariel in Elturel, Thavius Kreeg, became the next High Observer. Janfire then assumed Thent's position as knight commander. of the Order of the Companion.   On the 2nd of Eleasis, 1497, Elturel and all of its inhabitants were teleported to Avernus, fulfilling the terms of the pact that created the Companion. Janfire, who had made infernal pacts of his own, was transformed upon his arrival in Hell into a bone devil and took part first in the slaughter of Hellriders and non-Zarilite members of the Order of the Companion before taking charge of the transformed Hell Knights as the the higheset ranking cultist left in the city, as High Observer Thavius Kreeg fled to Baldur's Gate before the city's damnation.   While directing the Hell Knights from the Mistmore Manor, Janfire also attempted to locate and kill his children, hoping to turn them into devils too, but he was unable to locate them. Additionally, he kept his wife Xanleigh in Mistmore Manor, continuing to dote on her even as a devil and attempting to persuade her to take an infernal contract and join him as a devil. However, the tragedy befalling Elturel and the revelation of who her husband was drove Xanleigh catatonic.   In late Eleasis, Janfire led most of the Hell Knights to besiege Helm's Shieldhall, where the bulk of the surviving Hellriders had barricaded themselves, along with scores of civilians. Janfire aimed to break through the siege and slaughter the Hellriders, adding them to the ranks of the Hell Knights. The siege lasted for quite some time until Janfire was given the use of an infernal warmachine to break through the walls. At the vanguard of the attackers, Janfire fought into the basement of the shieldhall, nearly breaking through the final defenses before he was confronted by the Lost Star Detectives, a group of adventurers attempting to save Elturel that included Xifira. Though Janfire was ultimately killed by the Detectives, ending the threat of the Hell Knights, he was able to kill Xifira before he died, impaling her on the tail of his infernal form and damning her soul as his faded for good.


Contacts & Relations

Despite Janfire's slavish devotion to Zariel, the love that he felt for his family was felt in earnest. Indeed, his familial love was the basis for him joining the cult of Zariel in the first place, as he aspired to find ways to protect and empower them, even in death. These feelings were motivated by his son Xoric's near death during the Reign of Vampires and was reinforced when Xopher was killed in 1491 while in an adventuring group.
Date of Death
3rd of Elient
1378 CR 1497 CR 119 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by the Lost Star Detectives after he murdered his daughter Xifira
Place of Death
Basement of Helm's Shieldhall
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Wizards of the Coast


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