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Orb of Dragonkind

The Orbs of Dragonkind are extraordinarily powerful artifacts from the world of Krynn that each contain a soul of trapped chromatic dragon of terrible power. The orbs were originally designed for use in an ancient war, and today are sought out eagerly by those that desire the power the artifacts would provide.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Because the orbs are inhabited by the souls of powerful, ancient dragons, attuning to the orb carries with it some risk. A being lacking in sufficient Charisma can find themselves charmed by the soul residing within the orb, following victim to its suggestions and whims, pushing a user towards darker and darker desires.   However, those that are able to resist the dark temptation of the orb are given a significant increase in personal power, the ability to use the orb to channel a variety of powerful spells, and the means to use the orb to telepathically compel all chromatic dragons in an area to travel towards the orb.


The Orbs of Dragonkind were created ages ago on the world of Krynn, allowing a coalition of elves and humans to save their world from the brink of destruction. The orbs were designed to lure dragons towards them, allowing the great mages of that world to destroy them. For the most powerful dragons, the ones whose souls would not be stopped through mere death, the orbs became their prisons, trapping them for all of eternity.   Though they brought peace to the world, the orbs were gradually lost one by one, with only a few remaining in the protective care of the elven and human populations of Krynn.   In 1497, one of the orbs containing the soul of a powerful blue dragon was given to the Lost Star Detectives by the angel-turned-spined devil Uldrak the Tinkerer. Uldrak had attached the orb to the pommel of his massive sword, hoping to use its power to strengthen his sword and kill Tiamat. Instead, Uldrak was cursed by Tiamat to become a spined devil, languishing away for eternity. Uldrak gave the Orb of Dragonkind to the Lost Star Detectives and told them to take it to the follower of Tiamat in exchange for a drop of Tiamat's blood, which Uldrak needed to return to his angelic state.   Though originally intending to help Uldrak, the Detectives instead made a deal with the disguised copper dragon Burney, giving the orb to her for safekeeping in exchange for magical items and a promise of aid from Bahamut or Torm in the future. That orb today rests protected in the hoard of Bahamut.
Item type
Unique Artifact

Cover image: by Wizards of the Coast


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