Tresendar Manor

A ruined manor on the edge of town, rumored to be the Redbrands' hideout.  Tresendar Manor is the ancestral home of the Tresendar family, located in the town of Phandalin. By the time of the events in the adventure, the manor is largely in ruins and has become a haven for nefarious activities. Here's a description of Tresendar Manor as depicted in the module:   Exterior Appearance: The manor stands on a slight rise, overlooking the town of Phandalin. It's a weathered building, with most of its former grandeur lost to time and neglect. Overgrown with vines and underbrush, it has a forlorn and dilapidated appearance, signaling years of abandonment.   Interior State: Inside, the manor is dark and dank, with corridors filled with rubble and the debris of a once noble house. Some areas have floors that are creaky and unsafe, while others may have partially collapsed ceilings. The sense of decay is palpable, with the musty air and the occasional skittering of rats in the walls.   Secrets and Occupants: Tresendar Manor is not as empty as it appears. It hides the entrance to the Redbrand hideout, a network of cellars and secret passages that now serve as the lair for a gang of bandits. The Redbrands, led by a figure known as Glasstaff, use the manor's cellars to conduct their criminal operations.   Dungeon Crawl Setting: For players, Tresendar Manor offers a classic dungeon crawl experience, complete with traps, hidden doors, and lurking enemies. The manor's cellars and secret chambers present a variety of challenges, from combat encounters with the Redbrand Ruffians to puzzles and traps that guard the gang's treasures and secrets.
Manor house / Meeting hall
Characters in Location
Related Report (Primary Locations)


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