New Zanzibar

New Zanzibar is the largest landmass on Tanit II, a massive subtropical island and home to multiple nations, including Dar es Salaam, Jin Ning, and New Mombasa. It's notable not just for being a land mass, but also for having the only true mountains on Tanit II, and the most complex terrestrial ecosystems.


New Zanzibar is an oblong island of massive proportions, surrounded by hundreds of islands, several archipelagos, and numerous atolls. Its interior is notable for its bamboo, palm, and baobab forests, and for its open plains. Dominating the landscape are its mountains, a feature not possessed by any other above surface landmass on Tanit II. The coast regions are the most heavily populated and are where most of the major cities are. The interior is a managed wilderness in every respect, as the resources there are too precious to allow industries to pursue their capitalist goals without heavy observation.


Like the rest of Tanit II, the ecosystem on New Zanzibar deeply resembles the early to mid mesozoic era.

Localized Phenomena

Snow. New Zanzibar is the only location on Tanit II that gets natural snow. In the high passes of the mountains, it's even enough to ski on. The phenomena is so outside of most native Tanitians experience that it's a media event every year.


New Zanzibar was the first place where colonial vessels touched down in 12230 HE, and has been inhabited ever since.


Tourism is a major draw to New Zanzibar. Mountains, snow, plains, dangerous land animals, the nations there... all are major draws. People who visit New Zanzibar come from all walks of life and have all kinds of goals.
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