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Intercolonial Health Council

Chartered by the Interstellar Clearinghouse Academy during the Ragpox epidemic of 2481-2488, the Council was tasked with organizing the response to transcolonial health threats. The Council was initially headquartered at New Canada but moved to Montunao when that world was established as the ICA's permanent location.

In addition to the six-member Health Policy Study Group tasked with health policy development and enforcement, in 2610 during the Double Plague outbreak the Council formed the Transmissible Conditions Controls Laboratory in conjunction with the consortium that would become the Intercolonial University Consortium. The Laboratory is funded through a separate permanent endowment and the Council has the authority to levy emergency funding through the ICA's Signatories Capital Trust.

In 2485 the Council issued the Decontamination and Quarantine Protocols still in use for transplanetary shipping.

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