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The Angelkind use the Aasimar statblock in Roll20.   The Angelkind are humanoids (mostly Humans) that have a touch of divine power imbued into them. While they are similar, they are different to Ascendants.   Angelkind are generally imbued with power from gods that are of lawful and/or good alignment. They often receive dreams and visions from celestials that serve these gods to give them guidance throughout their lives.   Angelkind most often live a low profile, as they are often hunted by cultists, fiends, and other creatures of evil.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Angelkind are often resistant to radiant and necrotic types of magic. They can also use magic to create basic lighting effects as well as basic healing magics.

Growth Rate & Stages

Angelkind mature at the same rate as Humans, and live up to 160 years. In very rare cases some Angelkind live over 300 years.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Angelkind have the natural ability to see in the dark and low-light conditions.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
160 years
Average Height
5 foot 6 inches
Average Weight
120 pounds


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