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Cult of the Pyreburner


The Cult of the Pyreburner is run in small cells. Each cell either works for The Navigator directly, receives cryptic messages from The Navigator, or believes they are following orders directly from The Pyreburner. Each cell is independent except for times when The Navigator organises events behind the scenes.

Public Agenda

The 'Cult' believes that The Pyreburner is not dead, instead he is dormant after The Scouring. When he awakens he will bring The Second Scouring, this time destroying anything and anyone that opposes him. After this Second Scouring, it is thought that the Pyreburner will rebuild the world into a paradise. By supporting the Pyreburner, the cultists believe that they will be safe from the Second Scouring and will be rewarded with life in the new paradise.   The cult is now, at times, actively violent to those that would oppose them, the Navigator, or the Pyreburner. Thye are also violent to members of other religions and governments.


According to records the Cult of the Pyreburner is very new, maybe only a few years old (as of 301 PS). There have been stories and rumours of people who fit the image of the cultists performing kidnappings and sacrificial murders, but nothing has been linked to an overall structured organisation.   Some members of the cult, who openly mention that they are cultists, have travelled to Amberlight as part of a holy pilgrimage.    As of the 6th month of year 301 PS, the cult made their presence know with an attack on Mosshelm.
Founding Date
266 PS
Religious, Cult
Notable Members


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