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The Pyreburner

Former God of Creation, Fire, and Mankind.

In Other Settings

Greek - Prometheus
Forgotten Realms - Kossuth
Dragonlance - Sirrion

Divine Domains

Formerly Creation, Fire, and Mankind

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Burning Pyre

Divine Goals & Aspirations

If the Cult of the Pyreburner is to be believed, the Pyreburner want to return to the mortal realm to kill and destroy all that oppose him, leaving behind no one but his followers.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Pyreburner, who is now the former God of Creation, Fire, and Mankind, was very fond of the Human race. He would often visit the material plane, focusing around Amberlight, to bestow his "Gift of Fire" which granted Humans exclusive knowledge to magic and technology. However his relationship with humans turned sour which resulted in The Scouring, the destruction of Amberlight, and the death of the Pyreburner by mortal hands.   The Cult of the Pyreburner believes that the Pyreburner is alive and ready to return to the material plane.
Divine Classification
Ancient Deity
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Dead (assumed)
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death

Character Portrait image: by Karl Ward


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