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High Elf

The High Elves and Wood Elves are often intermingled with any non-elf unable to tell the difference.   High Elves, also known as Sun Elves or Moon Elves, are naturally attuned to interacting with the weave and most have a masic understanding by the time they reach adulthood. High Elves are known to isolate themselves from other races, this was exacerbated during The Scouring.

Wood Elf

The High Elves and Wood Elves are often intermingled with any non-elf unable to tell the difference.   Wood Elves, also known as Wild Elves or Green Elves, have above normal senses and speed which allows them to easily exist in the forests and jungles. While historically Wood Elves were suspicious of other races, the Humans and Wood Elves of Northern Oros had a tight alliance up to the point of The Scouring. After the Scouring the majority of the Wood Elves retreated from Human societies.

Dark Elf

There have been sightings by Dwarves who mines reach the Underdark of a species of Elf with grey or black skin, and white hair. These Drow are known to worship an evil goddess, but it is not know if this is by choice, tradition, or if they are forced.   In fact the Dark Elves are what remains of the very few Ancient Elves that fled into the underdark to escape what was killing their kind. They made a pact with an evil goddess and over time became the Drow.


Eladrin are Elves who are native to and weild the power of the Feywild. Each Eladrin is associated with a particular season which determines their personality and abilties. Some Eladrin change season from day to day while other remain the same season their whole lives.

Sea Elf

Sea Elves live in hidden communities in the ocean as well as the Elemental Plane of Water. They have adapted to life underwater by being to be able to breath water and easily swim. They can communicate on a basic level to small sea animals.


Shadar-Kai live on the Shadowfell and have been corrupted by The Unseen. Due to this corruption they have gains basic abilties over darkness.   Like the Dark Elves, the Shadar-Kai are what remains of the very few Ancient Elves that fled into the Shadowfell to escape what was killing their kind.

Ancient Elf

The Ancient Elves appeared at the beggining of the Dawn Times and disappeared before the end of the Dawn Times and are now considered extict.   The Ancient Elves were thought to be much taller, leaner, and paler than their modern day cousins.

Basic Information


Elves are considered Humanoid.

Growth Rate & Stages

Elves mature at the same rate as Humans but in Elven society they are no considered adults until they are a century old. The oldest of Elves can live to 750 years old.

Ecology and Habitats

Elves tend to prefer areas that are lush with plant and animal life, with some small groups living in the Feywild. Drow are home in the Underdark and find sunlight distracting.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Elves tend to prefer water, vegetables and fruit. Though they are capable of eating anything a Human could eat.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Elves traditionally form tribal groups with the eldest of the Elves being considered the leader of the tribe or at least a valued advisor of the leader.

Facial characteristics

The average Elf cannot grow facial hair and have an slender androgynous appearance.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Elves are mostly found in forest and jungle area of Oros.

Average Intelligence

Wood Elves are generally considered more intellegent than their Elven cousins and most other Humanoids.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Elves are known to be able to have some vision in darkness and have keen senses.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

All Elves inherently know Elvish. Most learn Common easily. Elves can also learn Sylvan easily. The primary language for Drow is Undercommon.

Common Dress Code

Elves tend to wear natural clothing and try to avoid metallic armour - but will wear it where considered necessary, even though Elves are capable of making high quality metallic armours.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

At many points in history Elves and Humans have can a close relationship. There are many Half-Elves that exist in Oros as a result of this relationship.
Genetic Descendants
750 years
Average Height
From under 5 feet to over 6 feet tall
Average Weight
Most Elves have a lean or slender build
Average Physique
The average Elf is slender and lean.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Elves skins can vary from the palest of white to the darkest of black.


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