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Veronica Drusus

Lady Veronica Drusus

Lady Veronica Drusus was the previous ruler of Duskguard.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Veronica Drusus grew up in The Eastlands in a small village. By the time she became a young adult the village was attacked by a pack of Vampires, with the vampires deciding that Veronica should join their family. After being turned, Veronica quickly took to the Vampire lifestyle.   After nearly a decade of living as a vampire, Veronica's life took a change. A large group of vampire hunters swept over the Eastlands and exterminated most of the vampire population. Veronica managed to escape to the southern coast of the Eastlands where she managed to acquire a boat and sailed south. She eventually arrived on the shores of what would one day become Insomnia City.   Veronica discovered that the lands that one day would become Insomnia were overrun by undead and ruled by demons who followed The Blood Lord. Veronica found it easy to fit in. She eventually discovered the ruins of Duskguard and set herself at Lady Veronica Drusus, the Lady of Duskguard.   In 98 PS, a paladin who is only known at Stormfury lead an army into Insomnia and wiped out most of the undead and demons, and claimed Insomnia for his people and himself. Veronica was furious about this, but did not act as she knew she could not stand against this army. Instead she decided to wait until she had the right resources and the right time.   In early 301 PS, Lady Drusus hired a group of adventurers to recover arcane items for her, under the lie that they were relics from her family in the Eastlands. In fact, these items were powerful artifacts that when combined together would give their wearer powers to rival a demi-god. However, Lady Drusus was defeated by the adventuring party (Dragon Arcade) with the help of King Angus Stormfury and a group of celestial beings known as 'The Nameless Angels'.
Lawful Evil
Current Status
35 PS 301 PS 266 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Eric Victoro
Place of Death
Long blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
110 lbs


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