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Far to the south of Oros is the country of Insomnia. While Insomnia is isolated from the rest of the continent by massive mountains and the ruins of an ancient wall, they have seemed to keep up with the technological advancements of other locations, mostly thanks to their large Gnome population.   The deserts of Insomnia are a target for adventurers as there can be found the remains of ancient artifacts.


The official military of Insomnia is made up of several classes of soldiers. The basic class are titled Insomnian Soldier. They are barely trained more than your average town guard. In saying that they often travel in large groups which works to their advantage. The elite class are titled Storm Knight. They wear full armor, exceptional leaders of soldiers, and capable of firing out lightning from their weapons when needed.


Over 200 years ago a paladin simply known as Stormfury united together the cities, towns, villages, and areas south of The Wall to fight off a demonic scourge that tried to infiltrate and take over the lands. On their success, Stormfury was crowned as the first King of Insomnia.   The current ruler of Insomnia is King Angus Stormfury. He recently became King after the death of his father a few months ago. Being only 21 years old, Angus is one of the youngest Kings this country has had.   Originally this area was the home to large populations of Gnolls, Orcs, and Kobolds. Over time in-fighting reduced their populations so when humans made it into these lands 500 years ago they were easily able to take over.   Gnomes sailed in from the south about the same time as the humans arrived, helped settle many of the towns and cities, with most of their population ending up in Tinkertown.   Many thousands of years ago an ancient race of Elf-like humanoids settled areas of this area, constructing the wall as well as some of the desert ruins. All that remains of their populations are wandering undead and the odd ancient construct that antagonise the roaming Gnolls, Orcs, and Kobolds that live in the desert.

Demography and Population

Currently most races are seen in Insomnia.

Technological Level

Insomnia has technology on par with The Second Oriana Imperium and Hollowholt in its prime.    Insomnia City and Tinkertown have built several airships.


  • Insomnia
Founding Date
98 PS
Geopolitical, Country
Ruling Organization
Family Leader
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Subsidiary Organizations
Neighboring Nations
Organization Vehicles


The Gnome communities in both countires have very strong links.

Articles under Insomnia


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