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This town is off the main road that leads from The Wall to Insomnia City. There is a checkpoint where it splits off the road.


75% Human, 10% Halfling, 5% Dwarven, 5% Half-Orc, 5% Other


Day to day running of the town is done by General Eric Victoro until a new leader is appointed head of the town. Otherwise the town is under the rule of Insomnia.


Up until 301 PS, the town was run by Lady Veronica Drusus with her assistant, Rowan. Only known by important members in the community, Lady Drusus kept the fact she was a vampire a secret.   During 301 PS, after employing Dragon Arcade to return some relics to her, Lady Drusus staged a coup against King Angus Stormfury. However, she was thwarted by the King and the mercenaries she hired.   As at 301 PS, General Eric Victoro was appointed as the military leader of the town until a suitable replacement for Lady Drusus is found.

Points of interest

Duskguard Castle
A walled in castle and a secondary building. The main building is badly damaged. The secondary building is home to General Eric Victoro and the Insomnian Military based in the town.   Copper Shield Tavern
A tavern that is often used by farmers.   Richard's Arsenal
A weapon supply store run by Richard the Gnome. Known for experimental weapons.   The House of Hilonus (Theater)
A theatre that runs weekly plays.   The Beggar & Prince Inn
An inn that has low quality accommodation, except for the penthouse suite which is of incredibly high quality.   Temple of the Unseen
A large temple to The Unseen. While considered being an god of evil, worshipping the aspects of the god that favour the people of the town is not considered evil by the townsfolk. The temple is marked by a black statue of a ram.   Friends of the temple can buy basic potions and scrolls from here.   Duskguard Forest
The local forest that holds a variety of plants and animal life. It is generally considered safe... most of the time.   Within the Duskguard Forest, there is a magical glade with an altar to The Enchanted Archer.   The Mother Earth Garden
A large garden in the middle of the town. Followers of The Mother Earth will come here from time to time to pray.
Inhabitant Demonym
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Owning Organization
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