Karlemagne Character in The Terrable | World Anvil
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Karlemagne, was born as Karel Maginderix in Eldauerdam in 538. Karel was raised in Ginderlände and spoke fluent Ginderlands, Vulgar Allamaran and Imperial Allamaran. In 544, when his father died, he became lord of the Ginderlände. In 554, he inherited the Duchy of Gurbungne and in 557 the Archduchy of Aistrau. Finally, he was elected Karl of the The Allamaran Empire in 568, which had become a worldwide empire with the Allamaran colonization of Moohizia, the Ginderländse Handelsroute, the shipping route around Cape del Fuego to the Cití d'Embas.   On 25 October 593 Karlemagne favorPrince Karl-PhilippSeveral vassals protested against the decision of Karlemagne stating that being Karl is for live and abdication is not an option. They also demanded that after Karlemagnes dead they new Karl would be chosen, just like Karlemagne himself was once chosen. Karlemagne retired to a monastery and did not respond. Three years later he died in that monastery.   The Karl is widely regarded as the supreme being, creator, and principal object of faith in the The Former Allamaran Empire. The Karl has also been conceived as the source of all moral obligation, and the "greatest conceivable existent".

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