Prince Karl-Philipp Character in The Terrable | World Anvil
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Prince Karl-Philipp

Prince Karl-Philipp was the only son of Karlemagne that survived to adulthood.   While Karlemagne constantly travelled his empire to deal with (geo)political affairs. He left little Philipp at the court of his mother in the Archduchy of Aistrau with experienced advisors to raise him. Philipp was also left with extensive written instructions that emphasised "piety, patience, modesty, and distrust". These principles of Karlemagne were gradually assimilated by his son, who would grow up to become grave, self-possessed and cautious. While his father was a polyglot Philipp never managed to equal his father and spoke only Imperial Allamaran. Personally, Philipp speaks softly and has an icy self-mastery; in the words of one of his ministers, "he has a smile that was cut by a sword".   On 25 October 593 Karlemagne announced his abdication in favour of his son Karl-Philipp. With that decision he became the Karl of the Allamar Empire. However as much loved as Karlemagne was, as hated is Karl-Philipp. Several vassals protested against the decision of Karlemagne stating that being Karl is for live and abdication is not an option. They also demanded that after Karlemagnes dead they new Karl would be chosen, just like Karlemagne himself was once chosen. Karlemagne retired to a monastery and did not respond. After Karlemagne's death in 596 Karl-Philipp stayed in his position as Karl but the demise of the empire had already started.   The worldwide empire was large and many distributed territories. Control and defense of these were hampered by the disparity of the territories and huge length of the empire's borders. This large realm was almost continuously in conflict with its vassals in its Allamaran heartlands and at its borders most notably against the Euskunak in the Hochkrete Wars and against the Cití d'Embas in the Southern Mare Nostgard.   Towards the end of Karlemagne's reign enforcement had reportedly become mild and relaxed regarding religious issues. His successor Prince Karl-Philipp, however, insisted on rigorous enforcement, which caused widespread unrest. Not having the liberal-mindedness of his father, he was a fervent enemy of the Revoltists movements of Jan Kalfèn and the Dopers. Prince Karl-Philipp outlawed heresy in special placards that made it a capital offence, to be prosecuted by the Inquisition, leading to the executions of over 1,400 people between 593 and 604.   In order to finance the wars and inquisition Karl-Philipp led a highly debt-leveraged regime, seeing state defaults in 595, 598, 607, and 613. This did not prevent the downfall from the Allamar Empire. By 614 Karl-Philipp had lost control of all overseas territories. In the same year to council of vassals also refused to recognize Karl-Phillipp as the one and only Karl of the Empire. This meant the de facto end of the Allamar Empire.

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