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Glacial Ridge Mountains

Why did I want to climb it? What is a mountain for if not to climb?

— Count Mallory Leigh, Mountain Climber and 3rd Son
Seiline, 739 Af.


The Glacial Ridge Mountains encompass three parallel mountain ranges stretching 2500 miles across eastern Helion from the Cliffs of Despair to the Empire of the Storm on the Blackwater Sea. The southernmost of the ranges, the Klireissin, is the shortest, with 18 peaks crossing 25,000 feet. The northern range, the Eisreissen, has 42 peaks above 25,000 feet, while the central range, the Wolkreissin, has over 100, including the tallest mountain in the world, Procellum.

The Klireissin is separated from Vorax's Wall by the Risen Valley, which averages 10,000' above sea level. The lowest passes through the Mountains are at the same elevation, although some stretches have no passes lower than 15,000'. There is a gorge between the peaks Andra and Tredya, the second and third-highest peaks, respectively, that is over 50 miles wide at the widest point. The gorge stretches to the center of the two outer ranges and is several thousand feet deep, although it has not been fully explored.

The entire range is below the snow line - the only place clear of snow considered part of the region is the southern reaches of the Risen Valley. There are still numerous lakes found in the lower passes, with snow-melt rivers supplying them in the summer. These lakes are the centers of life in the area, both animal and sapient. 

Localized Phenomena

During the frequent blizzards that strike the mountains, high, keening cries can sometimes be heard from the lower passes. People who have been caught in the passes during such a storm describe the cries as heart-rending. Some have described vague figures moving in the snow, who seem to be the source of the cries, but none have seen them close up.


The alpine climate in the region is bitter cold most of the year at elevations above 15,000 feet. Temperatures above 0 are rare, and above freezing nearly unheard of. Below 15,000 feet, some plant life becomes possible, but still sparse until they get below 12,000 feet. The passes in the 10-12,000 foot range have liquid water during summer months, with ice as thick as 2' forming during the winter. The period where there is free water generally lasts 4-5 weeks.

Fauna & Flora

Hardy evergreen trees and bushes grow in the lower passes, and some birds nest in them. A few arctic hares live in some of the lowest valleys.

Natural Resources

Some have speculated that the rock is likely to have metal deposits, the logistics of actually working it have prevented anyone from assaying the area in detail.
Location under

Cover image: by Chance Rose


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