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Vorax's Wall

And so the armies of Adalci came across the Great Savannah, bringing fire and destruction in their wake.
Calin the Unbending held at the river, giving time for the peoples of Vorax to escape to the Northern Reaches.
The Chosen Warriors fought with the fierceness of a dozen of Adalci's craven fighters, but they numbered 100 for each of the Chosen.
Calin and the Chosen held the ford, for seven nights, against the unending tide, until the river was dammed with bodies and the Adalcians encircled the brave Chosen.
One last day was demanded of Calin, and he remained Unbending, as the Chosen fought to the last.
As night fell, so did Calin, the last of Vorax's Chosen.
The peoples of Vorax had escaped, and Vorax unleashed his wrath on the forces of Adalci.
Vorax brought forth the Wall, and rained fire and brimstone upon the Adalcians.
The Adalcians faced the might of Vorax, and were destroyed, the great army reduced to a ragged mob befitting the weakling god.
The peoples of Vorax were brought to Vorax's kingdom, to bask in the light and heat of Vorax for eternity, free from the clutches of the weakling.
And so those that remain strive to be taken into Vorax's breast by destroying the weakling god's craven fighters in his name.
— The Tome of Vorax
Book of Endings


Vorax's Wall is a 2000 mile-long chain of active volcanoes. Nearly 100 peaks are over 15,000' in elevation, and a dozen are over 18,000'. Eruptions are nearly constant - one or more volcanoes are usually erupting at any given time.

The northern slopes of the Wall lead into the Risen Valley, 10,000' above sea level. The southern side of the range leads to rolling hills on the way to Leonin's Veldt. The average elevation of the hills is around 2000', making the Wall rise higher from its surroundings than even the Glacial Ridge Mountains.

Passes between the peaks are treacherous and changing. Constant eruptions mean that the land shifts regularly, and a clear path one day can be a lava field the next, and a deep crevasse the following week.

Localized Phenomena

The volcanoes often form temporary rifts to the para-elemental plane of magma. This is what allows the volcanoes to continue to erupt for so long, and creates openings for creatures from the plane to move through. Mephits are by far the most common, although many other creatures of fire or magma can be found. It is possible people have been drawn through to the plane of magma, although no one has returned to tell the tale.


The constant lava flows keep the temperature in the area well above 120 degrees year-round. Seasons are overwhelmed by the ambient heat. The northern slope, where lava flows collide with glaciers, have a tumultuous and changing climate. Humidity is high, fog banks can be hundreds of miles long and may be icy cold or scalding hot, and things can shift in minutes.

Fauna & Flora

The only creatures or plants in the area are those fully adjusted to living in those conditions. This means

Natural Resources

Metal ore, gems, and minerals are abundant in the area. The land itself makes it nearly impossible for long term mining operations, so most of these are useless.
Location under
Inhabiting Species

Cover image: by Chance Rose


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