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Leonin's Veldt

As the fiery sun dipped low on the horizon, casting hues of orange and crimson across the vast expanse of Leonin's veldt, a pride of lions stirred from their languid afternoon rest. With sinewy grace, they emerged from the shadows of acacia trees, their tawny coats blending seamlessly with the golden savannah grass.

The leader, a majestic male with a mane flowing like a fiery crown, raised his head, nostrils flaring to catch the scent of potential prey carried on the gentle breeze. His lionesses, sleek and agile, fell into formation behind him, their eyes gleaming with predatory focus.

Silently, they advanced, their padded paws barely making a sound on the dry earth. The pride moved as one, a synchronized dance of power and precision, each member attuned to the slightest movement in the tall grass.

As they stalked their quarry, the sky above transformed into a canvas of vibrant colors, painting the landscape in surreal beauty. Shadows lengthened, casting the hunting party in a cloak of twilight as they closed in on their unsuspecting prey. The lone aurochs grazed by the watering hole, oblivious to the danger approaching.

With a flick of his tail, the lion leader signaled the final approach. The pride crouched low, muscles coiled like springs, anticipation crackling in the air. In a sudden burst of speed, they surged forward, a blur of motion and instinct.

The chase was on, a primal symphony of pursuit echoing across the Veldt. The aurochs dashed forward trying to evade the pride, but they were relentless, their hunting prowess honed over generations. With a thunderous roar, the lion king seized his target, bringing it down with a lethal combination of strength and skill.

As the sun sank below the horizon, casting the land into darkness, the pride feasted, their triumphant roars echoing across the savannah. In this timeless ritual of life and death, the lions reigned supreme, masters of Leonin's Veldt.

— Lydon Manderly, naturologist
Sulae, 831 Af.


Leonin's Veldt, also known as the Grand Savannah, is a vast grassland ecosystem that stretches across much of eastern Hellion. It's characterized by expansive plains punctuated by scattered trees, notably acacias, and occasional shrubs. 

The predominant feature of the veldt is its grasslands, which stretch for miles in every direction. The grass varies in height from short to tall, providing grazing opportunities for numerous herbivores like antelopes, aurochs, and wildebeests. Grass can grow as tall as 12' in some locations, easily hiding ambush predators both sapient and bestial.

Scattered across the Veldt are acacia trees, with their umbrella-shaped canopies providing shade and refuge for animals. These trees have adapted to survive in the harsh conditions of the veldt, often with long taproots reaching deep into the soil for water. In addition to the iconic acacia trees, the veldt is dotted with bushes and shrubs, providing additional cover and habitat diversity. These bushes often thrive along watercourses and in areas with richer soil. Rivers, streams, and seasonal waterholes are vital lifelines in the Savannah, sustaining both wildlife and vegetation. During the dry season, these water sources become focal points for animal gatherings and migrations.

While the veldt is generally flat, there are areas with gently rolling hills and undulating terrain, adding texture to the landscape. These hills provide vantage points for predators to survey the plains for potential prey. Grasses can often ibscure the height of the hills, growing longer in the low points due to increased water access and need to grow higher to reach sunlight.

In some regions, the grasslands transition into savannah woodlands, where trees are more densely clustered. These woodlands are home to a different array of species compared to the open plains, with denser vegetation providing habitat for birds and smaller mammals.


Overall, the Veldt is a dynamic and diverse ecosystem, teeming with life and shaped by the interplay of climate, geography, and the interactions between its inhabitants. The veldt is crisscrossed by wildlife corridors, natural pathways that animals use for migration and movement between different habitats. These corridors are crucial for maintaining biodiversity and allowing species to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

The Veldt gets significant water, more than 40 inches annually in most places, and higher in the areas with denser vegetation. The distinct wet and dry seasons mean that there is flooding at times and empty streams and ponds at others. These cycles force the migration of many animals, which assists in spreading plants to wide areas. This in turn allows for more varied species to expand across the Veldt as well, leading to the famously diverse wildlife.

Localized Phenomena

While the Wild Hunt can occur almost anywhere, it is most common in the Veldt. Clergy of Leonin claim that not only does the Hunt reside in the Veldt, but that Gwynnudd is in reality an avatar of Leonin's id, where he can unleash his raw, predatory side.


The Veldt experiences distinct wet and dry seasons, leading to dramatic changes in the landscape. During the wet season, the plains burst with greenery as grasses grow tall and rivers swell with water. In contrast, the dry season sees the grasses wither and water sources dwindle, challenging the survival of both plants and animals.

Fauna & Flora

The Veldt is famous for its large mammals, including the Divine Lions, elephants, buffalo, rhinoceros, and Ychen Bannog. Other notable species include giraffes, zebras, wildebeests, antelopes, and hippopotamuses.

The Lions are the supreme predators of the Veldt and are considered by the followers of Leonin to be his children. Alongside those, the Veldt is home to numerous predators such as cheetahs, hyenas, wild dogs, and various species of smaller cats. These carnivores play a crucial role in regulating prey populations and maintaining ecosystem balance. These prey populations are made up of many types of grazing herbivores, including the large mammals mentioned above and several smaller species.

The veldt is a haven for birdlife, with numerous species adapted to the open plains and woodlands. Birds of prey like eagles, rocs, and vultures soar overhead while ground-dwelling species like ostriches and secretary birds forage on the savannah floor.

While not as conspicuous as mammals and birds, reptiles and amphibians are also present in the veldt. Species include snakes, lizards, gbahali, tortoises, and frogs, many of which have adapted to hibernate through the dry seasons and breed and expand during the wet.

Alternative Name(s)
The Grand Savannah
Location under

Cover image: by Chance Rose


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