CRT Contingency White

CRT Members


Eddie Wu


Commanding Officer

The CRT’s commanding officer and a Mirrorsmoke “graduate” who rotated out of the mercenary company after his third combat contract. Long since separated from his family due to the effects of compounded relativistic travel and ideological drift, Eddie still sends a percentage of his commission back to his descendants on Argo Navis IV. This is his last tour, and he’s eager to retire to an IPS-N temporal reservation world. Privately, he sees the Hercynia mission as a tedious milkrun, but he doesn’t let that get in the way of his leadership responsibilities.  

Roy "Mauler" Kaul

Executive Officer (Noncomissioned)

Formerly a legionnaire with a Harrison Armory Acquisitions and Management Team (AMT), Mauler was discharged following disciplinary proceedings stemming from his conduct on DS8, a planet in the Dawnline Shore. Now a Landmark NCO, Mauler is a brash, bullheaded operator, dedicated to proving his worth doing the only thing he loves: fighting. He’s gone under the knife more than a few times, and carries a suite of cybernetic musculoskeletal enhancements that enhance his hand-to-hand combat ability and reaction times.  

Balsam Singh

Medical Officer

A former Cosmopolitan deckhand and veteran of many blink runs between the Ural and Atlas Lines, Balsam is looking to establish state residency and settle down on a colony world. The “old man” of the CRT, he is eager to enjoy his retirement and is only two deployments away from collecting. Balsam is a practicing Sikh and is the team’s medic.  

Emma Broadstreet

Security Officer

A volunteer from one of Landmark’s developed colonial holdings, Emma proved her aptitude during her time in her world’s planetary defense force. Steady and eager to progress, this is her first mission on a CRT, but not her first combat deployment. Emma is fighting to earn citizenship for her family and pay off their debt to Landmark.  

Anne Laurent

Security Officer, NHP Tech

A Landmark Colonial “lifer”, Anne is a professional, dedicated to her role as the CRT’s in-theater NHP handler. Working closely with Connie as the NHPs guard and guardian, Anne manages her ward’s cycling schedule and the CRT’s complement of subalterns. None of the other CRT members even want to deal with that thing in a box, but Anne is fascinated by the NHP – and the power she wields over it.
Landmark Colonial has dispatched an internal crisis response team to Hercynia. Called CRT Contingency White, the team’s orders are simple: evaluate and stabilize the situation on the ground and act to preserve the long-term viability of the colony.
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