7.13.5014 to 7.16.5014

General Summary

Holding the Crossroads

After watching the machine horde rise out of the ground, the team was dispatched by Patience to aid in the immediate evacuation of Gray Town civilians. These refugees came from all over The Gray Towns, from Liu Maize to Merricktown. Given their distance from the walls of Evergreen and lack of militia, they were sitting ducks as the horde closed in. On the way, the team saw both disorganized groups of subalterns and what looked to be "regulars." The regulars were armed and uniformed, albeit with old, ragged clothes and basic weaponry.   Once the Lancers arrived, they found a small power transfer station surrounded by refugee vehicles that had become jammed in the muddy terrain. The late spring rains of Hercynia had not been kind- the refugees were trapped and helpless to the approaching swarm. The team quickly established a perimeter and dispatched the enemy as they approached. Though Maximum Reload and Repurposed Rebellion were destroyed, [The Weapon] was defeated soundly. The refugees made their escape, with most heading to the outskirts of Evergreen. The team followed them back, returning to Patience to report and receive further instruction.  


As they returned, the Lancers saw a new ship marked with Landmark Colonial colors arrive. The CRT Contingency White had come with a purpose unknown to the team. It became clear that the Crisis Response Team had little to no interest in the Lancers- They had elevated their security privileges above the Union team. Patience informed the group that Evergreen's sole satellite had spotted human life on the other side of the planet. This indicated what Patience had already feared- Locals have occupied Hercynia since SecComm's assault on the world. Their existence called into question Landmark Colonial's rights to the world. If it were already occupied, Union would likely transfer the charter for the planet to the local authorities.   Summer came into full swing.

Rewards Granted

  • License Level 3

Missions/Quests Completed

Mission 3: Floodgates


Current Mission

N/A - Downtime


Clock Statuses

Defense of Evergreen: 3/8

Machine Horde: 0/8

CRT Relationship: 3/6

Report Date
12 Mar 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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