Malcolm Solis




//::Malcolm is an experienced hacker. His username is the same as his Callsign, and he's been involved in information gathering for over a decade. It's all a barter. Get this bit for that bit-- talk to him, to get to her. It's just one long equation for trading the secrets of the wealthy, of the privileged, of anyone who had pockets deep enough to want to be found out. Malcolm has no attachment to those whose information he hacks, and doesn't fret about what the information he gets may lead to. It isn't his responsibility to do the right thing. It's his responsibility to get paid, to keep his success rate high-- to not worry about the little stuff. He's far from a hacker with a purpose. He's not a bad guy, either; he just knows that if he didn't get the information, someone else would.//  



//The hacker known as Scipio is suspected to have direct ties within circles of HORUS. Exercise caution.//



//::Macolm Solis was a mech pilot like no other. He was a hacker, able to infiltrate even the most secure networks with ease. His expertise in cyber warfare was matched only by his stealthy approach to combat.   In battle, Macolm was always cool-headed, able to spot weaknesses in his enemies and exploit them to his advantage. As a combat spotter, he was able to keep tabs on his enemies' movements and relay that information to his team.   Macolm was also known for his skill with missiles, which he used to devastating effect in combat. His enemies often never saw him coming, until it was too late.   But Macolm was not just a skilled fighter. He was street-smart, with a deep understanding of the criminal underworld and the ways of the street. He knew how to get what he wanted, and was not above bending the rules to achieve his goals.   As Macolm stepped into his mech, he knew that he was a force to be reckoned with. He had the skills, the knowledge, and the sheer force of will to take on anyone who dared to stand in his way. And he did it all with a cool, calculating demeanor that belied the fury that burned within him.//


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