The Gray Towns

It's a bunch of farms

Some hundred kilometers to the east and south of Evergreen are dozens of the so-called “Gray Towns” – the “gray” in the name describing their legal relationship to Landmark. Liu Maize and Merricktown are the largest of these settlements. They serve as social hubs for the uncounted, noncitizen population that lives around Evergreen.   The Gray Towns are primarily agricultural, with little heavy industry beyond logging and some light, surface-level mining. Few buildings stand above two stories and the tallest reach only four. Save for the crossroad clusters of buildings that form their civic centers, the Gray Towns are very lightly populated. Most people live in small clusters of two to four families working many hundreds of acres, or as hired hands on those large agricultural properties.
Thesetowns serve the crews from Evergreen that live and work maintaining the drone depots, and have grown to serve the lonely, scattered farmhouses as well. Liu Maize and Merricktown enjoy healthy, gray-market commerce with Evergreen, and in contrast to the agricultural operations that they serve, are places where service and hospitality are the prime economic drivers.
Related Reports (Primary)
Aware of the raids plaguing Evergreen, Liu Maize and Merricktown, separated by some dozens of kilometers, have entered into a mutual defense pact. Their mayors have raised corps of armed guards to conduct regular patrols and garrison checkpoints along the road connecting the two towns.


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