
Up close, Evergreen is a city brutalized by growth.


The city of Evergreen is Landmark Colonial’s beachhead on Hercynia, a flagship colony meant to demonstrate the company’s aptitude for the colonization of hostile or less-than-ideal worlds; it is as much an advertisement as it is a genuine venture, and its continued success is a priority for Landmark.   Landmark Colonial’s advance teams made landfall on Hercynia and established Evergreen in 4964u; since then, the colony has been successfully managed by its SIDEWALK-J2 administrative NHP, Patience. For 50 years, all seemed well. That changed following a series of attacks that took place from 5012 to 5013u, executed by unidentified but well-armed assailants. Patience, following standard crisis response protocols, issued a call for assistance.   Patience is a “company man” (as much as an NHP can be) whose driving motivation is the preservation and growth of Evergreen. They are loyal to Landmark and will pursue the defense of Evergreen to the fullest, always acting in pursuit of the most beneficial overlap between the goals of Evergreen and Landmark.   Patience and the other administrative personnel of Evergreen are, technically, contractors for Landmark. Evergreen is considered its own autonomous partner of the colonization firm, and as such enjoys full rights and permissions to set its own policy just like any other municipality in a larger state would.  



The “Governor’s Farm” is the administrative heart of Evergreen. Built in the center of the city, the Governor’s Farm is a walled complex containing numerous important buildings. It houses not only Patience’s physical architecture, but the Council Hall, the town’s municipal data storage center, the militia’s main armory, a cold gene storage site, the settlement’s omninet tower, and its largest printer, a Schedule 2 facility, along with a number of administrative offices and outbuildings. Gated checkpoints control ingress and egress at each cardinal direction. The central cluster of administrative buildings, including the Council Hall, is colloquially called “the Governor’s Mansion”. This is where Patience holds office.  


The meeting hall for Evergreen’s town council is a large, low, ferrocrete building, the Council Hall is populated at all times by a steady stream of people involved in the administration of the city.  


The server farm from which the district takes its name houses hardened racks of hard storage for digital municipal infrastructure, data storage, and other public goods. Save for a squat aboveground presence, the bulk of this facility lies underground. It can be accessed with clearance from either Patience or Landmark.  


The armory is where the militia’s anti-personnel and anti-armor weapons are held behind lock and key. A dedicated printer and reserve printstock housed inside the armory can churn out simple GMS-pattern small arms (rifles, carbines, light machine guns, pistols, shotguns, etc.) at a high rate if additional weapons are needed beyond the allotted supply. This printer can function with or without omninet connection, as can most single-task, noncritical printers.  


Evergreen’s omninode tower rises from an outbuilding in the Governor’s Farm. It is the single point of contact that links Evergreen to the galaxy at large via the omninet. Radio broadcasts are possible, but due to the vast distances involved in Interstellar travel, it would take a minimum of a few hundred years for radio waves to reach anything. This node is a recent installation. Its installation prompted Union to take a closer look at the world, leading to the PCs’ arrival on Hercynia. The high value of the omninode means almost no faction wishes to see its destruction.  


This site holds hundreds of thousands of SSCpatented embryos drawn from Landmark’s library.  


Located in the northeast quadrant of Evergreen, the depot district is a busy industrial area where stored and harvested goods are housed before use. Native materials – stone, lumber, and so on – are brought in through a number of checkpoints and gates along the eastern growth boundary and housed in the district’s many warehouses. Much of the district is full of prepackaged, premade materials, offloaded from the colony ship upon arrival. These resources are kept under lock and key. A host of drone swarms patrol the depot district, with hive nexuses located atop each warehouse, while the colony’s large industrial drones park in orderly ranks on broad pads of concrete.  


The colony’s largest printer, and its only scheduled one – the “Print Shop” – is in the Governor’s Farm, where it is kept publicly accessible during regular working hours. The printer is built inside a three-story, fully enclosed building protected by armed guards at all times. A command tower sits adjacent to the printer and catwalks ring the inside of the structure at intervals. The gasses and waste products from the Printing process are vented high above the printer, where most are captured and recycled before they can pollute the atmosphere. Until the installation of an omninode, the printer only had access to its onboard library of industrial and civilian equipment. As an S2 printer, it can produce items, machinery, and vehicles up to Size 2, as long as the correct licensing requirements are met. There are a number of smaller print decks inside the shop that can be used simultaneously to produce Mechs and other objects up to Size 3, although doing so requires some manual assembly.  


The NHP’s physical architecture – their casket – is housed in a secured underground complex below the Farm, accessible by interior passages or via a diagonal freight elevator that also provides access to cold storage.  


A popular and well-trafficked tavern, the Bottom of the Well is a hunched, three-story building with an enclosed patio area. It is set against the river with docks extending out into the shallows. The whole first floor is a bar, meeting place, and performance space. One wall opens out onto the docks and can be buttoned up in the cold. The second and third floors contain modest one-bedroom apartments. The roof offers another patio space, where laundry is often air-dried during the summer. The Lancers will be offered functional, comfortable lodging here.   Inside the bar is a community bulletin board for posting notices and requests. The venue hosts music every other night.   The Bottom is owned by Mir Bahadur (he/him), a first-generation Evergreen-Hercynian in his late sixties. Mir once worked for Castor Fielding as an engineer and maintains a friendly relationship with him. He now keeps the CEC supplied with hooch made at the Bottom in exchange for prompt assistance when the tavern needs repairs.  


The city’s residential districts are generally composed of mixed high-density apartments, transit corridors, and short, walkable blocks. The western quadrants are the most built up, and the least occupied – they were built for future generations to move in and occupy. The streets in those areas are largely vacant. The eastern side, meanwhile, is lower built and less dense – though not significantly so – and is home to the bulk of Evergreen’s population.  


A bridge in the process of being built across Evergreen’s river, the Founders Bridge connects the agricultural western bank to the built-up eastern bank. The concrete bridge is halfway complete. A wooden bridge spans the rest of the distance, built across pylons that will later support the completed bridge. Currently, the bridge can support foot traffic, ground cars, and beasts of burden, but not mechs.  


Well downriver, on the east side of the river, sit the twin coolant towers of Evergreen’s Stable Reactor Plant, Towers 1 & 2. Salvaged from the colony ship that brought the first generation of colonists to Hercynia, the stable reactors at the plant can theoretically power Evergreen for millennia. A paved road leads from the colony to the reactor, where there is also a small campus for the reactor’s engineers.   The day-to-day functions of Evergreen’s Stable Reactor Plant are largely automated, controlled by an on-site Comp/Con and monitored by Patience, with ultimate executive authority given over to on-site engineers.  


Evergreen’s local omninet and subomni communications are bolstered by three communications towers set up in a triangle around the settlement. Their primary function is to increase the broadcast range of the colony’s radio coverage and better direct comms lasers into and out of the valley in which the settlement lies. As a secondary function, they can provide limited-bandwidth omninet communications in the event of a node shutdown.
Evergreen is a Landmark Colonial settlement on the planet Hercynia. Administered by the NHP Patience, the colony was established about fifty years ago and is now enjoying its second generation of growth. Some time prior to the arrival of the Lancer team, Evergreen became the target of sporadic, deadly attacks by an unseen enemy. Landmark issued a call for assistance, and the Union Lancer team was tasked with heading to Hercynia to assist.
For the last 50 years, life in Evergreen has been fairly mundane. Patience determines the roles of individual colonists based on a combination of their SSCcalculated “genetic predispositions”, agglomerated aptitude tests, and personal preferences, then assigns daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly tasks designed to guide their development and career goals. For most colonists, this means one of three things: they produce, engineer, or facilitate.


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