The New Humanity Front

The New Humanity Front was once a minor group of far-right parties loosely aligned around Harrison Armory’s representatives in The Fourth Column. Its founding members split from the Fourth Column recently, following the uptick in proxy conflicts and trade wars in the Dawnline Shore. The New Humanity Front advocates for rapid colonial expansion, an end to certain transhuman and posthuman prohibitions (in defiance of the First Contact Accords), and an overall restructuring of Union’s government away from the representative committee system toward a federal system of direct representative government. This coalition seeks to reduce Union’s central power, a move that many in the Diaspora find compelling. Critics of the New Humanity Front argue that its motivating ideology is simply Anthrochauvinism by way of Harrison Armory. New Humanity most often finds itself in conflict with the NSC – sometimes spilling out of CentComm’s legislative chambers into open street violence between member parties on constituent worlds.   Eagerly arranged behind the charismatic young radicals of the Armory’s representative party, the Forward Progress, New Humanity’s member parties enjoy a steady climb in membership with each election; at present, they control 10 percent of CentComm representatives, up from the 7 percent they claimed prior to the most recent elections, Most of their new members are pulled from discontented Fourth Column parties and – surprisingly – some moderate members of The Interstellar.


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