The Fourth Column

An old faction, the Fourth Column is a conservative– right coalition led by the Prime Baron of Karrakis, Karra-Bem, who holds such sway over the bulk of its members that members of the NSC and the Verdant Social Arc disparagingly refer to it as the “Karrakin Column”. The Fourth Column is a non-interventionist coalition that advocates for economic expansion across Core and Diasporan space. In practice, this motivating ideology translates into liberal economic policy, curtailment of some bureaus’ enforcement abilities, and privatization of services, departments, bureaus, and purviews within Union’s hegemonic portfolio. Before the schism that birthed The New Humanity Front, the Fourth Column enjoyed a steady 20 percent representation on the Central Committee, though recent elections have shown a worrying decline in membership that tracks with New Humanity’s growth.   The membership of the Fourth Column is mostly Baronic, with a large contingent of worlds represented by a joint SSCIPS-N Metropolitan delegation. Many Diasporan delegations leery of Union’s influence and command also find themselves in the Fourth Column; while they’re less inclined to caucus with the New Humanity Front than Metropolitan representatives, they will acquiesce to that coalition’s demands if it means winning a majority.


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