The Scientific Revolution



The Scientific Revolution was a revolution in The City of the Ordained in which a large portion of the Manufacturing Districts populace stormed the Scientific District, executed many members of The Institute of Advancement, and destroyed a large amount of scientific research.

  • The Revolutionaries
  • The Scientific District/The institute of Advancement
  • Victory for the Revolutionaries; Collapse of The Institute of Advancement
  • Revolutionaries: 500,000
  • Scientific District: 2,000 including the majority of The institute of Advancement

Timeline of Events

The revolution began in 4315 P.M due to accusations of The institute of Advancement and its leader Armanus Aredian using Abyssal Blood in human modification experiments. It was first reported in the newspaper The Ordained News, how this newspaper acquired the information is unknow, though some suspect it may have been Rakthane the Heretical.   During the first few months of 4316 the revolutionary leader Ranshaw Luditus amassed approximately 2 million workers from the manufacturing district with fearmongering. He claimed that those of the Scientific District were using those of the Manufacturing District in their human experiments and that the experiments were going into a wider-scale phase.   The siege of the Scientific District began in Month 5 of 4317, the Aredian Automatons and other defensive technology present in the district stalled the sige for five months. However, on the first month of 4318, Luditus used an overclocked Aredian Engine to break through the defensive perimeter of the District and the purge of The institute of Advancement began.   The Revolution lead to the destruction of nearly all documentation and research on Abyssal Blood, any that remained were confiscated by the Council of the Ordained who then forbade the Scientific District of continuing Abyssal Blood experiments. Only cautionary proof was found regarding the legitimacy of the claim that human experimentation occured but contemporary scholars agree that it most certainly was.   In 4319, after turning himself in to law enforcement, Ranshaw Ludite was tried and executed for instigating violence and murder. His final statements to the city lacked both remorse and shame, he simply voiced his disdain of Aredian and his organization one last time.

Related Location
The City of the Ordained
Related timelines & articles
History of The City of the Ordained (article)