Armanus Aredian

The Great Inventor


Armanus Aredian was a human inventor that lived in the The City of the Ordained and headed The Institute of Advancement. He spearheaded the creation of some of the most technologically advanced devices that Tersulum currently posseses. The vast majority of Aredian's inventions use Abyssal Blood such as the Aredian Engine or the Aredian Automaton. For a full list of his inventions see Aredian Inventions.
Were it not for Aredian, The Abyss would have swallowed us long ago
Sonia Sunhawk 4750 P.M


Early Life

Armanus Aredian was born in 4256 P.M to two miners in the Eastern Slums on the outskirts of the City of the Ordained. Bright as a child he quickly caught the attention of a local craftsman who took him in as an apprentice to take over the shop after the craftsman's death. Armanus took to the artisan ways quickly, by the time he was twelve his skill was far beyond that of his master and he was starting to grow tired of making such simple objects, this is where his love for design and experimentation blossomed. Before he left the shop Armanus had improved or replaced all of the craftsmans standard items with something of a higher quality and a cheaper build, but as he came of age Armanus decided to look for a more difficult challenge than what could be found in the slums.

University and the founding of The Institute of Advancement

After leaving the slums Armanus used the money he made as an apprentice to move to the Science and Technology district of the City of the Ordained. It was there where he gained access to the University of Ordained Science, one of the most acclaimed educational bodies in all of Tersulum. As an engineering student he quickly acquired a vast wealth of knowledge and began creating the foundations of what was to become the Aredian Inventions, it was at this time that he met likeminded scholars and engineers who wished to assist Armanus after seing his brilliance. These were the people with whom he found The Institute of Advancement, a scientific organization with the sole persuit of advancing the techonologial level of civilization.

The Industrious Years

Armanus spent the next 40 years working with the other members of the institute to create invention after invention, never stopping for any distraction in life. It was approximately at the 25th anniversary of the Institutes opening where the discovery of what the Abyssal Blood could do in tandem with contemporary technology. In only five more years the prototype for the Aredian Engine was made.

Accusations and Death

In 4318PI Armanus Aredian died of vigilante execution during the The Scientific Revolution in the City of the Ordained which was caused by a reactionary response to the use of the Abyssal Blood in human modification. Armanus and his institute were accused of fusing human subjects with Abyssal Blood to create a greater being but only light evidence was found after the revolution ended. Only three of the Institutes top minds survived the revolution, most notably Rakthane the Heretical, and Armanus was never cleared of his crimes. Despite these events, due to his research never being replicated, his legacy as the greatest inventor that Tersulum has ever seen remains intact to this day.


Armanus Aredian was a man of average height with a slim build. He had short dark hair and a prominent crooked nose. From his childhood to his death he had an anemic complexion but was noted as having good looks in his younger years. His obsession with inventing caused him to develop a hunched back as he aged due to poor posture, he had a variety of scars and other injuries due to inventions gone wrong. He had 3 prosthetic fingers and was missing an eye. Ever since the institute was founded he was only seen wearing the institute uniform, even in death and burial he wears the outfit to this day.


  • While Kibbu named Aredian, he attributes the idea of Aredian's existance to his friend MooseJuice who recommended naming the Aredian Engine after its inventor.
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
4256 P.M
4256 P.M 4318 P.M 62 years old
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
Current Residence
Tomb of Aredian, Graveyard, Scientific District, The City of the Ordained
58 kg
Aligned Organization