Alexander Pierce

Secretary Alexander Pierce

Alexander Pierce was the U.S. Secretary of Defence and a member of the World Security Council. He was also the most senior HYDRA opperative in the United States.

When Bobbi Morse uncovered the truth about HYDRA's infiltration of S.H.I.E.L.D, Pierce sent Jessica Drew to kill her.

Following the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D, he was murdered by Drew, in revenge for the mistreatment she had suffered at HYDRA's hands.

Original Timeline

In the original timeline, Pierce oversaw S.H.I.E.L.D's Project Insight, a mass surveillance opperation. He dispatched the Winter Soldier to assassinate Steve Rogers, who had discovered the truth about HYDRA's infiltration of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Barnes failed in his mission, and Pierce's ties to HYDRA were uncovered. He succeeded in murdering two other members of the World Security Council before being killed by Nick Fury.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alexander Pierce was born and raised in Fresno. He attended the University of California, Berkley, where he majored in political science.

It is believed he first came into contact the HYDRA in college, while a member of the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. An investigation by the Washington Post following the release of the Morse Papers found that many suspected HYDRA members were members of the fraternity, and it is believed it was used as a recruiting ground.

After graduation, he joined the U.S. Airforce, serving with distinction for 8 years. After recieving an honourable discharge he joined the CIA, rising through the ranks to become deputy director.

He was appointed Secretary of Defence by Matthew Ellis, replacing Robert Gates. As was traditional, on appointment he was also made the American representative on the World Security Council.

He remained an active member of HYDRA throughout his career, introducing a number of measures while at the CIA to support them, including excluding certain items from background checks, and refusing to classify white supremecist groups as terrorist organisations. However, it was with his role on the WSC, with the access to international security agencies that came with it, that he became one of the leaders of HYDRA.

This possition gave him access to HYDRA's superhuman assassins, including the Winter Soldier and the Spider-Woman, and it believed (though not proven) that he may have been responsible for as many as 25 murders.

When Bobbi Morse became aware of HYDRA's infiltration of S.H.I.E.L.D, he dispatched Jessica Drew to kill her.

While Natasha Romanoff distracted Drew, Morse infiltrated the Triskellion. Her initial intention was to use the computer in Fury's office to leak the files, but it had been biometrically locked.

Morse broke into Pierce's office, kidnapped him, and forced him at gunpoint to unlock the files, allowing Morse to publish them online.

In the aftermarth, a warrant was drawn up for Pierce's arrest. Before the authorities could catch up with him, he was murdered by Jessica Drew.

Date of Birth
August 18, 1936
1936 CE 2014 CE 78 years old
Circumstances of Death
Assinated by HYDRA
Fresno, California
Place of Death
Christian - Lutheran (espoused) | Possitive Christian (actual)