Bobbi Morse

Agent Barbara Morse (a.k.a. Mockingbird)

Dr Barbara Morse is a superhero and former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent under the code-name Mockingbird. She is best known for the Morse Papers, in which she released thousands of classified S.H.I.E.L.D. files to the public in order to expose HYDRA , who had infiltrated the organization.

As a result of the leak, she is wanted by the U.S. government on charges of treason and breach of the espionage act.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Dr. Barbara "Bobbi" Morse was born and raised in San Diego, California. She excelled in school and later attended the Georgia Institute of Technology. She majored in biochemistry, earning a PhD under Dr. Wilma Calvin.

After Graduation she attended the SHIELD Academy of Operations, earning the highest scores in her class and eventually being scouted by Melinda May for field opperations. While on an extended mission in Dubai, she was partnered with Lance Hunter, and the two began a whirlwind romance.

After seven months of dating, they married. However, Bobbi's commitment to her career caused friction in their marriage, especally when she was called in for a field opperation one day into their honeymoon. After six tumultuous months, they divorced.

Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S.

In October of 2011, she was assigned to Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S., where she met Clint Barton, and the two began a casual relationship. During the course of the relationship, Clint introduced her to his best friend Natasha Romanoff.

Early in 2012, Clint was invited on a night on the town with Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, and Steve Rogers. He persuaded Bobbi to swap guard shifts with him so he could attend, which she reluctantly agreed to.

Because of this, Bobbi was present when Loki used the Tesseract to teleport into the Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility. Bobbi attempted to stop him, but Loki, impressed by her loyalty and combat abilities, used his Sceptre to take control of her mind, making her his puppet.

Under Loki's Control

While working for Loki, Bobbi engineered the theft of a large quantity of Iridium from a high security vault, and was the mastermind behind the attack on Hellicarrier 64.

She lead a team of mercenaries and other mind-controlled S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in the attack, succeeding in taking out three of the hellicarrier's four engines, unleashing the Hulk, and freeing Loki before Clint tracked her down, managing to break her out of Loki's control by knocking her unconscious.

The Battle of New York

When she awakened in the Hellicarrier's medical facility, Clint explained what happened. She was overcome with guilt for all the deaths she had caused, but Natasha advised her that the best thing she could do was balance them out by saving some, and invited her to join the newly formed Avengers in their attempt to save New York City from the Chitauri Invasion.

During the battle, she managed to steal the sceptre from Loki, as Tony (using his knowledge of the Original Timeline) had told them it was the only thing that could close the portal, which she succeeded in doing.


After the battle, she returned to S.H.I.E.L.D, where she was assigned to STRIKE, a rapid response combat team lead by Brock Rumlow.

While infiltrating a facility believed to be developing biological weapons, Bobbi recovered files relating to Super-Soldier experiments, but when she tried to discuss it with Nick Fury she was brushed off.

When Tony Stark, who had been working closely with S.H.I.E.L.D, using his knowledge of the future to prevent disasters such as the Mandarin bombings, also seemed disinterested, she began to grow suspicious. When a group of assassins attack her outside her apartment, she began conducting her own investigation.

Uncovering HYDRA

She began looking into the scientist she and Rumlow had assassinated. Tracing his funding to a shell corporation based in Washington, she went to the registered address, where she encountered Alexander Pierce, who told her the address was Nick Fury's childhood home, and shares his suspicions that Fury might have gone rogue, asking her to investigate.

She broke into Fury's office in the Triskellion, where she was uncovered by Natasha just as she succeeded in unlocking encrypted files which revealed that S.H.I.E.L.D. had been infiltrated by HYDRA, but Tony had persuaded Fury not to act.

When Triskellion security attempted to detain them, they fled, and Pierce sent Jessica Drew, one of HYDRA's super-solders, after them. After a battle which they barely escaped alive, Natasha took her to Barley Acres to lay low and regroup.

The Morse Papers

With the assistance of Maria Hill, who was also suspicious of Tony's motives, Bobbi broke back into the Triskellion while Natasha distracted Drew.

After fighting Rumlow, Bobbi discovered that the files are now biometrically locked, and can only be released by Fury himself or a member of the World Security Council. She therefore kidnapped Pierce and forced him to release the files, exposing the truth to the world.

In the aftermarth, with HYDRA, the remnants of S.H.I.E.L.D, and the U.S. Government all hunting for her, Fury sent Clint to give her false papers, and she went on the run.




She has a Masters in Biochemistry from Georgia Tech.


She joined S.H.I.E.L.D. immediately after leaving college, and remained employed there until she was forced to go on the run.


Bobbi Morse

ex-wife (Important)

Towards Lance Hunter



Lance Hunter

ex-husband (Vital)

Towards Bobbi Morse




Their brief marriage deteriorated quickly as they both began to realise how little they actually had in common. They are both bitter about the break up, although Lance is more vocal about it, however they do both have some nostalgia and fondness for one another, though they would both deny it.

Year of Birth
1980 CE 38 Years old
San Diego, California, USA
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
English (native), French (proficient), Spanish (proficient), Russian (limited)