Hank Pym <WIP>

Dr Henry Jonathan Pym (a.k.a. Ant-Man)

Doctor Henry Jonathan "Hank" Pym is an entomologist and physicist, who developed the Ant-Man Suit, after discovering Pym Particles.

For a time, he worked for S.H.I.E.L.D as a consultant and became the original Ant-Man. Fighting beside his wife, Janet Van Dyne, who had taken on the mantle of the Wasp, as they took on missions together, including one to capture his former ally, Elihas Starr. However, during a mission to stop a Soviet missile, Ant-Man witnessed the Wasp sacrificing herself to save millions of lives, as she had become trapped within the Quantum Realm, with seemingly no way to save her.

Pym then changed directions and had founded Pym Technologies while also retiring as the Ant-Man, vowing never to use his invention again, turning his back on S.H.I.E.L.D. as he had found that Howard Stark and Mitchell Carson had tried to recreate his original designs for S.H.I.E.L.D.'s purposes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life & Recruitment by S.H.I.E.L.D.

After attaining his PhD in physics, Hank Pym joined the U.S. Army, who funded his Doctoral studies.

His research into possible new methods of shock absorbtion, intended for use in military body armour, lead to his developing an interest in the broader field of partical density. Unable to secure funding from the military for this new area of research, he left the army and joined S.H.I.E.L.D.

While working with S.H.I.E.L.D, he lead the team which discovered Pym Particles, for which he won a Nobel Prize in 1971.

In his free-time, he also developed the EMP Communication Device, which allowed the user to communicate with ants, wasps, bees, and sawflies (though the device was most succesful with ants).

Disappearance of Janet van Dyne

Using Pym Particles, Pym developed the Ant-Man Suit, which allowed the user to change their size.

Using the suit, Pym began opperating as a field agent for S.H.I.E.L.D. using the code-name Ant-Man. He was later joined on missions by his wife and research partner, Janet Van Dyne, who used the code-name Wasp.

In 1987, Ant-Man and Wasp were sent on a mission against an alliance of Soviet and HYDRA forces. They arrived too late to prevent intercontinental missile from being fired. In order to disarm the bomb, Wasp shrunk down to subatomic level in order to get inside the misile's casing. Although she was able to disarm the bomb, she continued to shrink, eventually entering the Quantum Realm, leading Pym to believe she had died.

Overcome with grief, Pym became increasingly isolated and distrustful. He sent his daughter Hope van Dyne to boarding school, and gradually fell out with, or deliberately broke ties with, most of his remaining friends and confidents.

Founding Pym Technologies

Already disolusioned with S.H.I.E.L.D, when Pym discovered that they had been attempting to replicate the technology which powered the Ant-Man and Wasp suits, he resigned his job with them. Believing his technology to be too dangerous to leave with S.H.I.E.L.D, he took the only remaining working Ant-Man suit with him when he left, locking it in his personal safe to prevent it from being used.

In order to continue his research, he founded Pym Technologies, and hired Daren Cross as his assistant, mentoring the younger man. After graduating from university, Hope van Dyne also joined the company.

Cross quickly rose through the ranks of the firm, eventually presenting a petition to the board to have Hank removed as CEO, due to his erratic and anti-social behaviour. The board was split, with the deciding vote belong to Pym's daughter. Hope chose to vote her father out, and Cross was appointed CEO in his place.

Recruitment of Scott Lang

Several years after being forced out, Pym was contacted by his estranged daughter. Cross had replicated the Ant-Man suit, rebranding it as the Yellow Jacket suit, and was intending to sell it to the highest bidder. As well as the suit being unstable, interested parties included criminal organisations such as HYDRA and the Ten Rings. Recognising the danger this presenting, Hope appealed to her father to help her prevent the sale.

Having satisfied himself that Hope's concerns were valid, Pym set about looking for a candidate to take on the mantle of Ant-Man. Seeing Scott Lang's televised interview, he settled on Lang as the perfect candidate.

He had information passed to a known associate of Lang's that his house world be empty and the safe unguarded, and watched via cameras as Lang broke in and stoles the suit. He waited until Lang decided to try on the suit, and then spoke to him him via the suit's intercom...

Yellow Jacket

Section under construction

The Quantum Realm

Section under construction

Accomplishments & Achievements

In 1971, Pym was the recipient of Nobel Prize for Physics (an honour he shared with Hungarian engineer and phycist Dannis Gabor).


Hank Pym <WIP>


Towards Janet Van Dyne


Janet Van Dyne


Towards Hank Pym <WIP>


Hope van Dyne <WIP>


Towards Hank Pym <WIP>


Hank Pym <WIP>


Towards Hope van Dyne <WIP>


Year of Birth
1944 CE 74 Years old
East Nowhere, Nebraska
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Related Plots
Ruled Locations