Ire of the Crua before the Ice

Ire (a.k.a. Ire of the First Hearth | Ire of the Crua-Before-The-Ice | Ire of the Clan-Tribe of Bone)

Ire was the shaman of the Clan-Tribe of Bone, and a powerful magic user, who lived around 40,000 years ago, during the upper paleolithic, approximately 10,000 years before the last ice age.

Although she lived milenia before Agamotto, who created the title of Sorceror Supreme , she fulfilled a similar role in her own time, and was considered by the Demiurge to be the Sorceror Supreme of her time.

She was recruited by Stephen Strange and the Demiurge using the Eye of Agamatto to assisted them in pushing back the Empirikul Invasion in the 21st Century.
40135 BCE 40104 BCE 31 years old
Aligned Organization