Eye of Agamatto

The Eye of Agamotto was crafted by Agamotto, the first Sorceror Supreme, to contain the Time Stone. It became one of the badges of office for the Sorceror Supreme, although guarding it was considered a grave responsibility rather than a priviledge.

Although it was a containment device, the Eye still allowed the Time Stone to be used and therefore granted the Sorceror Supreme the power to control the flow of time. It was used by Doctor Strange to fight Kaecilius and Dormammu, and to restore the Hong Kong Sanctum.

Following the defeat of Thanos, the Eye was scattered along with the other Stones, and its location is now known only to Vision.

Original Timeline

In the original timeline, the Eye was used to send the conciousness of Tony Stark back in time, creating the new timeline.

Item type
Previous Owners
The Ancient One
Steve Strange
Owning Rank
Sorceror Supreme