
Jarnbjorn is an Uru axe forged for Brün, the first leader of The Valkyior by Sindri, the King of the Dwarves and master of the Star-Forge.

Sigurd the Everglorious was dared by Cul the Serpent to steal, which he accomplished by seducing Brün, and taking it while she slept.

The Valkyrior were called into battle before he could return it, leading to Brün's death. As a result, she cursed Sigurd to a shameful death.

During the theft of the Tesseract, Loki stole Jarnbjorn from Odin's Vault and gave it to Sigurd, to replace Gram, which Loki reqired in order to fight Thanos.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Holder
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