Sigurd the Everglorious

Sigurd Sigmundson, the Everglorious

Sigurd is an Aesir warrior, reknowned throughout the Nine Realms for his skill in battle. He is known as the 'Everglorious' due to the fact that he is an immortal.

He is best known for his slaying of the Dragon Fafnir.

In 2018, he assisted Loki to steal the Tesseract from Odin's Vault.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Sigurd is an Immortal due to having eaten the heart of a Dragon.

Specialized Equipment

Sigurd is the original wielder of Gram, the sword of truth. He currently weilds Jarnbjorn, which he stole from Odin's Vault.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Brün's Curse

Sigurd was born during the reign of Bor, shortly after the founding of Asgard.

As a young man, he gained a reputation as one of the most skilled warriors among the Aesir. However, he also had a reputation as a bragard and a hot-head.

He was a regular drinking companion of the young princes, Odin and Cul. When he began boasting of his cleverness, Cul wagered him that he could not steal Jarnbjorn, the weapon of Brün, the leader of the Valkyior.

Sigurd accomplished the task, seducing Brün and taking the axe while the slept.

Before Sigurd could return the axe, the Valkyrior were called up to battle. When Brün, forced the fight with an unfamiliar weapon, was mortally wounded, she placed a curse on Sigurd with her dying breath, swearing that he would die an ignominious and dishonorable death, and she would meet him in the afterlife to revenge herself upon him.

When the surviving Valkyries told him of the curse, Sigurd became detirmined to find a way to become immortal, so that the curse would never be triggered and he would not lose his honour.

Slaying Fafnir

After many years of searching, he heard tales of the Dragon, Fafnir. Knowing that the heart of a dragon could make a man unmortal, he sought out the dragon.

The night before the battle, he stayed the night with Regin Hriedmarson, who, unbeknownst to Sigurd, was Fafnir's brother. Hoping the legendary warrior would finally be able to end his brother's curse, he gifted Sigurd with the sword Gram, which he had originally forged with the intention of using it to kill Loki (who he had met via time travel).

After a long and brutal battle, he slew Fafnir, and cut out his heart, returning to the home of Regin to roast it.

For three days and three nights he tended the fire as the heart roasted. Just as it was ready, a magpie appeared at the window. The sword Gram, drenched in the blood of Fafnir, had inherited Andvari's curse and now revealed hidden truths, including the speach of birds. The magpie warned him that Regin intended to kill him and take the heart for his own.

Sigurd slew Regin, and ate the heart, becoming unmortal.

Ignominy and Immortality

Over the centuries that followed, Sigurd committed many deeds, some great, some terrible, all legendary. He was eventually imprisoned in the Valaskjalf Dungeons after killing the warrior Theodoric in an argument.

He escaped the prison during the Sacking of Valaskjalf, and fled to Midgard, where he lived among the humans until 2018, when he was hunted down by Loki.

Heist of Odin's Vault

Section under construction


Aligned Organization
Known Languages