Kimoyo Beads

Kimoyo Beads were created by the Wakandan Design Group, and have become an integral part of life for most Wakandans. 

They resemble a bracelet of white beads. Each bead contains a vibranium micro-processor, and individuals can choose from a wide array of specialised beads. The first bead is given to a child at birth, and contains medical information, meaning no matter where a Wakandan is, they have access to information necessary to help them live a healthy life. Additional beans are added over a person's lifetime, tailored to their specific needs. Technical information, the ability to sync with technology, communications, geo-tracking and maps, and entertainment. Beads also exist to assist with specific medical and accessability needs, such as monitoring vitals, text to speech fuctions, a guide fuction for visually impared users, information and monitoring fuctions for individuals with conditions that affect memory, and more.

For aesthetic reasons, many Wakandans who only use a few beads will often fill in the spaces with dectorative beads made of wood, precious metals, or polished stone.

With with much Wakandan tech, by default Kimoyo beads do not work outside the borders of the country. However specialised beads exist which were designed for those who travel outside the country, such as diplomats, members of the Golden Tribe, and some members of the Hatut Zeraze. These beads are typically equipped with satelite communications, allowing communication world-wide.

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Ubiquitous throughout Wakanda, but unknown in the wider world.