
Vibranium is a metallic element believed to have come to earth via meteor impacts. It was 'discovered' in 1925 by Matthias Brink, while working for Stellenbosch University, and his work was responsible for bringing awareness of the element to the wider world. However, Vibranium had been known to, and worked by, the Wakandans for at least 700 years.


Physical & Chemical Properties

Vibranium was originally classified as a transitional metal, but recent research by the University of Birnin Zola has resulted in it being re-classified as a post-transitional metal.

It has a complex molecular structure which is what gives it its unique vibrational structure. Although a relatively soft metal, it absorbs vibrations, giving it unique shock absorbing qualities and the ability to withstand huge amounts of force. For this reason, working or forging the metal poses special difficulties.

Vibranium is radioactive and mutagenic. Exposure to refined Vibranium is rarely dangerous, but miners and foundry workers who are regularly exposed to the raw mineral frequently develop 'Vibranium sickness', a form of bone cancer.

Geology & Geography

Although small deposits are found elsewhere, particularly in South Africa, the majority of the world's Vibranium is found in the African nation of Wakanda. Deposits of a vibranium compound, called Vibranium B, has been found in the Savage Land. 

Origin & Source

Vibranium is extra-terrestial in origin, but the records of the Kree Imperium suggest that most deposits elsewhere in the Universe have been depleted.

Knowhere previous produced Vibranium, and it has been theorised by some that all Vibranium deposits come from the corpses of long-dead Celestials, although this theory is contraversial and not widely accepted.


Dark silver, emits a purple glow in its raw form
Common State
Mineral ore
Items made of Vibranium
Panther Habit
Captain America's Shield