
Kylos is a moon of Mobia, the third planet in the Lemivel System. It is the homeworld of the Kylosian.

Kylos was one of the worlds targetted by the Warlord Thanos as part of his genocidal campaign to "balance" the life in the universe. Thanos's Armies, led by Ronan the Accuser, attacked Kylos and murdered half of the sapient population.


Like most moons, Kylos is tidally locked, with one side always facing towards Morbia. As a result, the climate on the planet-side differs dramatically from the externally facing side.

The planet-side of the moon is primarily tundra, with little liquid surface water, and ice-fields at the poles and in some coastal regions. There is one ocean on the planet side, the Navette Sea. Although warmer when on the sun-side of the orbit, due to heat reflected from Morbia, temperatures never rise above freezing, even in summer.

The externally facing side (call the void-side by the Kylosians) has a much more volatile climate, with temperatures dropping well below freezing at night (when Morbia is between Kylos and the sun), and rises to around 40C during the day. It rains almost every day, at morning and evening, while precipitation during the night or day is almost unknown.

The void-side has two oceans, both extremely high in salinity. There are few rivers or lakes, but much of the land is marsh, which freezes during the night, and dries almost completely at midday.

Although Morbia's eliptical orbit means Kylos does have seasons, the difference between them is not large.

Fauna & Flora

Kylos is home to one sapient species, the Kylosians.

The planet is well known for its megafauna, especially oceanic megafauna. The Kamaria, or Sea-Dragon, is an aquatic mamal that 40-45 metres in length, and is regarded as a divine being in many Kylosian cultures.
Planetoid / Moon
Included Locations
Included Organizations
Inhabiting Species
Notable Inhabitants

Articles under Kylos