
Kylosians are a warrior race native to Kylos, a moon of the planet Morbia.

Morbia was once inhabitted by a civilisation known as the Morbian Hunter Civilisation. Genetic records of the Morbians are sparse, and there has been considerable debate as to whether Morbians and Kylosians are the same species, related species, or completely unrelated.

Basic Information


Kylosians are bipedal humanoid mamals, possessing a musculature similar to other so-colled "Progenitor Theory species".

They have extremely thick skin compared to other mamallian sapients, which makes them extremely resilient.

They are extremely strong, with female Kylosians tending to be taller and stronger than males. Their resistance to pain is legendary, although there is debate as to whether this is biological or social.

Genetics and Reproduction

The are a binary-gendered, sexually dimorphic species, who reproduced sexually. Kylosian pregnancies are short, lasting just four months.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Kylosians lack the ability to see colour, percieving the world only in shades of grey. Apart from this their eyesight is comparable to other mamalian humanoids.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Kylosians have single first-names, usually one or two syllables. Surnames are not used, but a parent's name (usually the mother's name for girls and father's name for boys, although it is not unheard of for an individual to use the name of an opposite sex parent) is typically appendended. When talking to someone outside one's home village, the name of the village will usually be appended, and likewise tribe.

Adopted children will usually use two patronyms or matronyms, one for their family of origin, and one for their adoptive family, and those who have sworn an oath of brotherhood will sometimes include a fratronym.

As a result, a Kylosian name may have up to six elements, with all or a selection of them being used depending on circumstances.

Major Organizations

Kylosian society is a complex inter-connected web of tribal and familial alliegences. The primary social unit in Kylosian culture is the village. Villages are lead by a chief, who wins their positions in ritual combat, and a religious leader, who is elected.

Villages belong to wider tribes, ethnic groupings with distinct cultures and religious practises.

Beauty Ideals

Kylosians value physical strength highly, and the physical ideal for both men and women is to be tall and muscular. Small, slender, or delicate individuals are considered unattractive, or even repulsive.

They practise scarification, which though religious in purposes, is considered attractive, and the more detailed and extensive the scar patterns, the more attractive they are considered.

Kylosians have achromatic vision (also called achromatopsia). As such, the colour of skin or clothing does not form part of their beauty ideals.

Gender Ideals

Kylosians distinguish between the genders only when it relates to sex, childbirth, and certain religious rituals. In other respects, they consider men and women to be equal, and do not have sepperate social roles.

Kylosian women breastfeed babies. While children are young enough to require breastfeeding, both men and women are expected to remain home and refrain from violence. It is the responsibility of the village to provide for the couple, and assist them with tasks which would sepperate them from their child, or which pose a physical risk.

Relationship Ideals

Kylosians practise monogomous marriage, and infidelity is considered one of the worst crimes. Sepperation or divorce is virtually unheard of, though challenging an unfaithful, abusive, or otherwise unsatisfactory spouse to a duel to the death is considered an acceptable means of resolving relationship problems. They do not differentiate roles by gender, with both partners sharing household chores, childcare, and financial responsibilities.

Bisexuality and homosexuality are accepted in Kylosian society, and they do not consider relationships between two members of the same sex to be any different than those between members of different sexes.

Kylosians are attentive parents, and consider child-rearing to be the most important role an individual can play. Due to the violent nature of Kylosian society, adoption is a necessary part of Kylosian society. Commonly, orphaned children will be adopted by same sex couples.

Adoption of adults is also practiced, usually as part of peace negotiations between warring villages or tribes, though it does also happen for other reasons. If warriors fighting a duel find themselves evenly matched, it is traditional for them to swear an oath of sibling-hood. The oath may also be sword between allies who fight together during times of war. These adoptive relationships are considered to be equal to blood relationships in all respects.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Kylosian language is completely literal, using no metaphor or allusion. This frequently causes problems for Kylosians when speaking other languages, even when using a universal translator, as they lack the framework to decode inaccurate or poetic language.

Kylosian is a fusional language. It has two gramatical genders, and both nouns and adjectives are gendered.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Dwi Theet, the native martial art of the Kylosians, is classified as a Protected Cultural Treasure, affording it protection by Pan-Worlds Treaty civilisations.

Music is an important part of Kylosian religious practise. This music is always instrumental, though may involve non-melodic chanting. The primary instruments used are drums, the Banri (a type of reed flute), and the sarang (a complex stringed instrument which can be plucked or bowed).

Common Taboos

Breaking an oath is considered the highest tabboo in Kylosian society, and most other tabboos lead from this. Divorce or sepperation is consdered a form of oathbreaking, and is frowned up. Mistreatment or failure to support a spouse is also considered to be a breaking of the marriage oaths, one serious enough to be punishable by death.

Casual sex among unmarried Kylosians is accepted. However romantic intimacy before marriage is considered deceptive, and is treated with a similar level of atropation as some other cultures might treat pre-marital sex.

Killing another sapient without reason is considered murder, however the grounds for justifiable killing in Kylosian society is far broader than in other societies. In order to be a justified killing, it must form part of a battle, be in defense of your own or other sapient lives, or be part of a formal challenge. However, simply saying the words 'I challenge you' is considered to be sufficient for a formal challenge, as refusing a challenge is unheard of (unless one is the parent of a child under 1 year old).


Kylos was targetted by Thanos as part of his campaign to balance the life in the universe. Thanos' armies, led by Ronan the Accuser, attacked Kylos and murdered half of the Kylosian population.
55-65 years
Average Height
Female: 6'7" | Males: 6'5"
Average Weight
Female: 140kg | Males: 125 kg
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Green skin, lacking any body hair.
Geographic Distribution
Known Individuals