Universal Progenitor Theory

The theory that seeks to explain the similar appearance of a number of sapient humanoid species by arguing that they were genetically engineered by an theoretical ancient species, known as the progenitors.

The theory originated on Hala, and is contraversial among non-Kree academics.

Species Criteria

The strictest accepted criteria for a progenitor theory race are that they are bipedal humanoids, possess opposable thumbs, sexually diamorphic and reproduce sexually, sapient, bear live young, and have hair on some or all of their body.

Species commonly included within the Progenitor theory include the Kree, Majesdanians, Galadorians, Xandarians, the Sovereign, Luphomoids Spartax, Arcturians, Humans, Strontians, Zenn-Lavians, and Kylosians.

Species who's inclusion within the theory are disputed, even among proponents of the theory, include Centaurians Hurctarians, Krylorians, Astrans, Skrull, and Zehoberei.

Identity of the Progenitors

Although most proponents of the theory accept that the identity of the progenitor race will never be known, several theories have been proposed as to their identities.

Celestial: some have theorised that the Celestials are the progenitor race. They are know to have interfered with, or possibly even triggered, the evolution of life on many planets, and the few descriptions of Celestials we have universally describe them as humanoids.

Elders of the Universe: it has been theorised that the Progenitor is a single individual, one of the Elders of the Universe, though if so, the Elder in question has never identified themselves. Critics note that this argument is based primarily on the age of the Elders, rather than any actual evidence.

The Builders: the builders are said to be the oldest surviving species in the universe. They are known to have interfered with the progress of various civilisations, although they are not known to be genetic engineers.

Progenitors: the natives of the World Farm have been theorised to be the Progenitors. They are known to have sent mutagenic Primagen to a number of planets.

Kree: one of the most contraversial variants on the theory states that the Kree are the Progenitor race. Proponents point to the role of the Kree in creating the Universal Inhumans, however the Kree Empire have no record of any 'Progenitor' experiments, and are in fact one of the younger species to be included in the theory, making it highly unlikely they are the Progenitors. This variant is help primarily by Blue supremecists.

Xorrians: the Xorrians were the oldest known species to meet the criteria for the Progenitor theory races. They are known to have been explorers and records from surviving species who encountered them suggest they possessed advanced genetic engineering technology.

Criticisms of the Theory

Critics of the theory pont to the lack of evidence, and argue that it is based on morphology rather than genetic evidence. It has also been argued that the number of politically powerful or long-lived species included in the theory may be evidence that bipedal humanoid may simple be an optimal form for survival on many life-sustaining planets.

Others have pointed out that non-humanoid species far outnumber humanoids in the wider universe, and the focus of proponents on just three galaxies (the Milky Way, Andromeda, and the Large Magellenic Cloud) has skewed the data to imply humanoids are more common than is actually the case.

Finally, it has been pointed out that several of the species are know to be related, or to have interbred in the past, and so the species may simply represent a single family of species.

Author's Note
In the comics, this theory is 100% provably true, and the Progenitors are the Xorrians. However, I thought it was more interesting if this was essentially a conspiracy theory, especially since one of the things I've been trying to do with this universe was to add some diversity to the universe by making the way too many 'human but make them green now' alien races in the MCU more genetically and culturally different from one another.