Pink Replacement Theory

A conspiracy theory believed by many Blue supremecists, that the gradual replacement of Blues by Pink-skinned Kree as the largest ethnic group of Kree is due to a conspiracy, rather than simple genetics.

Genetic testing has shown that all Kree carry the gene for Blue skin, but if the gene for Pink skin is present, it will always override the Blue gene. Children of mixed parents will therefore always be born with Pink skin.

In an effort to preserve the Blue skin, which is seen by some as the 'correct' appearance for Kree (as it pre-dates the appearance of Pink skin), some conservatives consider intermarriage between the two groups to be a crime.

Popular variants of the theory include the belief that all Pinks are Krylorian hybrids, that Pink families are secretly aborting Blue foetuses, that Pinks have larger families than Blues (this variant carries with it an implicit classism, as Blue skin is more common in older, and therefore richer, families, and having too many children is often sites as a reason why Pink families are likely to be poorer or less politically powerful), or that Pinks are deliberately seeking out Blue sexual partners in order to increase the number of Pink genes.