Pink-skinned Kree

The Pink-Skinned Kree, commonly referred to as Pinks, are one of the two main ethnic groups of Kree.

Pinks are likely the result of natural genetic mutation in the original Blue-skinned Kree, although some Kree biologists have theorised they may originally have been the result of interbreeding between Kree and Kylosians. This theory is contraversial, as it is held primarily by Blue-Skinned scientists, and has been appropriated by some Blue supremecist movements who believe it proves that Pinks are not 'real' Kree.

The gene responsible for Pink skin overrides the blue-skin gene (which all Kree carry), leading to Pinks outnumbering Blues, as any child of mixed heritage will always have pink skin.

Pinks' skin may range in tone from pale peach to magenta, and is typically more highly pigmented on the lower torso, legs, and feet.

Although Pinks are the majority, and hold most government and military possitions, they have traditionally been discouraged from joining the Accuser Corps, and are excluded from holding certain officies which have historic significance, especially those which evolved from the ancient priesthood.

Encompassed species
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See Also
Carol Danvers  